lean bulking



  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I'm expecting around 3250 - I've maintained on 3000 before, so that seems to make sense and is reasonably congruent with my current weight loss at 1000 less.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    It just comes with the territory. Cutting is a battle of willpower. Bulking is a battle of self confidence.


    that seriously sums it up.

    I'm am le wominz- so my bulk started at 2000-2200 and I pushed upwards of 3000 at the end of 4 months.

    Waging war on cutting now.
  • Kestrelwings
    Kestrelwings Posts: 238 Member
    I am working on BMR + daily activity, but have a TDEE of about 1800-2000 (5'5"/5'6" and 112lbs), and am getting in about 1900 to 2400 cal daily depending on the day & hunger levels. I need to increase again though, so going to aim for an extra 100-200 per day average and see how I get on.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

    It just comes with the territory. Cutting is a battle of willpower. Bulking is a battle of self confidence.


    that seriously sums it up.

    I'm am le wominz- so my bulk started at 2000-2200 and I pushed upwards of 3000 at the end of 4 months.

    Waging war on cutting now.

    And here I thought it was just because I was too fat when I started. Thanks, guys!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Also just weighed myself! I've gained nearly 2 kg since 16 of march? So a month? This is too fast isn't it for muscle gain so should I lower my intake or what!? I'm 65.9 kg now! And 5ft 10 worried that my 2.7 intake is too high?

    Too much or what any help? A friend said that was fine ?

    4 pounds month is in the high range. I'm not the expert on this thread, but my understanding is that guys should shoot for 2ish.
  • rumple2014
    Also just weighed myself! I've gained nearly 2 kg since 16 of march? So a month? This is too fast isn't it for muscle gain so should I lower my intake or what!? I'm 65.9 kg now! And 5ft 10 worried that my 2.7 intake is too high?

    Too much or what any help? A friend said that was fine ?

    4 pounds month is in the high range. I'm not the expert on this thread, but my understanding is that guys should shoot for 2ish.

    Thus my my concern? Should I then drop my calorie intake ? Any ideas guys? Is it coz I'm at early stages of the 5x5 as ur adding weight all the time but u start low and make increase fast!

    Should I carry on or lower to about 2300 a day?
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I would try dropping back a little.
    As you're fairly new to putting on muscle I believe, you've got the best chance of most of it being muscle.
    However, without steroids, there's going to be a chunk of fat in there.

    A lot of people consider it better to 'aim high', put on fat but get maximum muscle possible, then cut again to remove the fat rather than going slower initially, as the latter can take longer overall.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I am getting ready for my first bulk and I am already experiencing some of the mental games already. I still have about 7 pounds to cut. I think for me, I have been cutting so long, I think I will tend to "dirty" the bulk the longer it gets. I'm probably 6-8 weeks away and I am constantly calculating different stuff to come up with the "perfect" plan. Ahhhhhh, I need to relax.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    There is no perfect plan. It's a moving target- the best way to do it- is just start doing it.

    Have an idea of what you want to accomplish- give yourself a time frame and just get to it. And don't forget your food bill goes up too LOL
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    For me...about 2600 calories coming from maintenance of little over 2000 calories.

    This article helped me gain perspective on the process of bulking and cutting: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/5-ways-to-clean-up-your-dirty-bulk.html

    If your plan works for you then it's a good plan. :)
  • Mom_of_X
    Mom_of_X Posts: 85 Member
    I wish I was a guy. Bulking for me I calculated is 1900 calories :( gay.

    being a guy has nothing to do with it. i'm maintaining around 2200/2300 - slow bulk at 2500, faster above it.

  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    I wish I was a guy. Bulking for me I calculated is 1900 calories :(gay.

    you stay classy.

  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Approximately 2700-2800 calories for me..
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Also just weighed myself! I've gained nearly 2 kg since 16 of march? So a month? This is too fast isn't it for muscle gain so should I lower my intake or what!? I'm 65.9 kg now! And 5ft 10 worried that my 2.7 intake is too high?

    Too much or what any help? A friend said that was fine ?

    4 pounds month is in the high range. I'm not the expert on this thread, but my understanding is that guys should shoot for 2ish.

    Thus my my concern? Should I then drop my calorie intake ? Any ideas guys? Is it coz I'm at early stages of the 5x5 as ur adding weight all the time but u start low and make increase fast!

    Should I carry on or lower to about 2300 a day?

    No you should not drop your calorie intake.

    The first month you will gain some weight from stuff in guts/glycogen. That gain is only found early on. Chances are you only actually gain 2lbs of muscle/fat.

    Your body will upregulate your metabolism while bulking, if you maintain a constant intake, your gain rate will continuously decline. To maintain a constant surplus you have to push your calories upward over time.

    You need a second tracking method outside of the scale. A tape measure around the waist is a better measure than the scale for tracking progress for males (and some females). Waist measurements are a near perfect proxy for fat mass and can be used to calculate body fat %. For the purposes of tracking change this is a very accurate way to track.

    The scale isn't a terribly good measurement when bulking, what it does best is verify that you are in a calorie surplus.

    Gaining 1/4" in the waist per month is a very good pace to maintain.
  • rumple2014
    ATM my waist is 30 and I would rather it don't get massively big! I thought u could add muscle without increasing ur waist too much! But then it depends how I felt and fitted in the clothes I was wearing I spose!

    Will try and keep my calorie I take around what I have been doing!

    Just I can feel my back changing and my legs but my arms and shoulders aren't! Tho I guess that's mainly due to starting with the lower weights to ease myself up the scale! Prob be glad for that when I start having issues heavy lifting !

    I do eat healthily! Prob the worst thing I have is whole milk but I was told to just use that as it's good for you and will help gain mass ! Eat lots of thing! Lift lots of things as people say!
  • DEPick
    DEPick Posts: 70 Member
    Just curious to see the caloric intake of others trying to lean bulk...autumn is coming soon and its that time of year again to start putting on some LBM!

    I found best sucess around 2700 calories ( Lifted hard 4 days a week, no cardio)
    It's barley summer! Way to think ahead
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    I'm trying to strengthen without changing my weight class. We'll see if this works *sigh*. I'm at 1700 and losing below what I want. I'll jump to 1900 and see where I am after that.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    ATM my waist is 30 and I would rather it don't get massively big! I thought u could add muscle without increasing ur waist too much! But then it depends how I felt and fitted in the clothes I was wearing I spose!

    Will try and keep my calorie I take around what I have been doing!

    Just I can feel my back changing and my legs but my arms and shoulders aren't! Tho I guess that's mainly due to starting with the lower weights to ease myself up the scale! Prob be glad for that when I start having issues heavy lifting !

    I do eat healthily! Prob the worst thing I have is whole milk but I was told to just use that as it's good for you and will help gain mass ! Eat lots of thing! Lift lots of things as people say!

    Good rule of thumb is that you have to gain 10-15 lbs per every 1" of upper arm growth. Arms grow slow (and very nonlinear).

    1/4" per month in the waist is a pretty low amount. You could bulk 4 mo and only gain 1", and noone notices 1" but you.
  • rumple2014
    Also while bulking and having all this milk and healthy food ish! Can anyone check my diary and tell me if I'm going wrong anywhere? I'm hitting my protein 150-180 and fats are in the 80 - 90 and carbs are prob lacking the most! ? U can prob tell apart from odd treat I had on Wednesday I'm not eating sweets and stuff!

    Is eating that much fat even tho it's healthy fats ok?
  • NRBreit
    NRBreit Posts: 319 Member
    I've done 2 bulks. 1st one was 15 lbs. in 15 weeks. 2nd one was 16 lbs. in 20 weeks. Starting body weight was 165 and 170 lbs. respectively. My bulking calories were 3,000, but once I got to the high-170's, I stopped gaining both times. Upping to 3,200-3,250 got the scale moving again. I stalled again at 186 lbs. on 3,200 cals. I average 4 workouts per week (all strength training, no cardio). I wouldn't call my bulks a 'lean bulks' at 1 lb per week though. I gained 2-3 inches around the waist over 15 lbs. gained. Im currently cutting on 2,000-2,200 cals and have lost 10 lbs. in 8 weeks. Hope that helps.