What's the key to losing weight?

just curious.


  • eileen0515
    eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
  • felonebeats
    felonebeats Posts: 433
    Train hard.Eat less calories than your maintenance.Discipline and patience
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member

    Taking the small victories.
  • aarondnguyen
    aarondnguyen Posts: 270 Member
    A consistent caloric deficit--whether that's accomplished by eating less or moving more. Or both.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    GNR said it best....just a little patience! !!
  • la_te_ra_lus
    la_te_ra_lus Posts: 243 Member
  • Moarenergy
    Moarenergy Posts: 5 Member
    A consistent caloric deficit--whether that's accomplished by eating less or moving more. Or both.

  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Keeping it simple and realistic so you can sustain it.

    Find 250 calories in current diet to leave out everyday.

    Find enough exercise to burn 1750 more calories weekly.

    As you see improvement, see what calories you may want to switch out of diet if you need to.
  • ckendra38
    ckendra38 Posts: 6 Member
    HIIT Routines! and a low calorie diet! Get your heart rate really pumping for about two minutes then just stop and feel your body sweat as your heart starts to slow down for about a minute. Then do it again! and again!! and again!!! I recommend checking out www.blogilates.com for great information!
  • Roaringgael
    Roaringgael Posts: 339 Member
    All of the Above +


    Keep going, push through negative self-talk.

    Get back on track if you wander off.

  • kaydeedoubleu1
    kaydeedoubleu1 Posts: 567 Member
    Its the biggest mental challenge we all face. Its about forcing yourself to say no to that pizza or chocolate when you are at your most vulnerable. Its about getting your *kitten* off the couch after a long, crap day to burn some calories. Its about believing that it WILL happen, and you are more than capable of making it happen.
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Hard work. It's not over until I win.
  • SuperC_85
    SuperC_85 Posts: 393
    Calorie deficit, patience and consistency.
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    Consistency, and discipline.

    Finding enjoyment and constant sources of motivation, whether that is seeking exercise you like doing, variety, taking progress measurements and photo's, buying clothes a few sizes lower that you wish you looked good in...etc.
  • at_night_bookstore
    at_night_bookstore Posts: 249 Member
  • be_patient
    be_patient Posts: 186 Member
    indefatigability and patience
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    A consistent caloric deficit--whether that's accomplished by eating less or moving more. Or both.

  • luca15306
    luca15306 Posts: 111 Member
    taking your time...
    Moving more..
    Weighing Food was the key for me, and portion control!
    Enjoy the transformation :)
  • SpicesOfLife
    SpicesOfLife Posts: 290 Member
    i just posted this in another thread so i hope the copy/pasting isnt bad forum etiquette, but it fits here as well! ;)

    i will try to make it very simple.

    1) eat fewer calories than you burn

    2) exercise at least 2-3 times a week - this does not have to happen in a gym. i do step aerobics and bodyweight training at home and it works great for me! i love not having to go somewhere and being able to do it anytime with no money spent (apart from the initial 30 euros for the step)

    3) get enough protein (+exercise) so youll keep most of your lean mass while losing fat, instead of losing muscle first. here is what helped me figure it out: http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=156380183

    4) eat real nutrient dense food, no processed/fast food, sodas, etc..

    5) dont eat too little, your BMR should be covered: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/tools/bmr-calculator

    you cannot out-exercise a bad diet!!

    hope this helps :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,894 Member
    A consistent caloric deficit--whether that's accomplished by eating less or moving more. Or both.
    THIS. Consistent being the key word here.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition