Trying for 6 weeks and no weight loss

I am living away from home in a hotel in India. I have been trying to lose weight for 6 weeks now and have seen no weight loss.

I am 33 year old female, weight 165lb and am 5 ft 3 inch.

I began trying to eat 1200 calories a day but failed miserably and so upped my calories to 1400 calories for last two weeks. I have also been working out to Ripped in 30 around 4 times a week.
I am thinking of switching to cardio such as jogging on the spot.

I have seen no weight loss so far. Neither does my clothes fit any looser.

Please help


  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    If you're not losing weight you're not eating at a calorie deficit. You say you're living away from home in a hotel so I guess you don't get to prepare your own meals and so are having to estimate the calories. This will be the problem. If you are preparing your own meals check all your weighing and measuring and make sure you're being accurate
  • rencawdor24
    rencawdor24 Posts: 157 Member
    If you're not losing weight you're not eating at a calorie deficit. You say you're living away from home in a hotel so I guess you don't get to prepare your own meals and so are having to estimate the calories. This will be the problem. If you are preparing your own meals check all your weighing and measuring and make sure you're being accurate
    I do not have facilities to make my own meals and am trying to get round this problem by eating more salads and healthier meals, and asking chefs not to put much oil in my food. Not sure what else I can do, as my stay in hotel is included with food in the hotel.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    you could try 5:2 - on two days a week only eat one 500 calorie meal, probably in the evening.
  • rencawdor24
    rencawdor24 Posts: 157 Member
    you could try 5:2 - on two days a week only eat one 500 calorie meal, probably in the evening.
    Not sure if that would work for me. If I get too hungry during the day, I get migraines. Plus I think I would binge on the other days because I know I will eat a little on those two days.
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    Stick with salads, veggies and protein, and don't worry about the oil - you need oil (good for brain and digestion). Instead, cut out the rice and other carbs - no breads, or potatoes, or corn products. Those are so high in calories and so easy to overeat on, especially since you're not able to measure them. So in essence, I'm suggesting you go low carb for awhile.

    I suggest that only because you're not able to weigh and measure your food, and it's hard to overeat on veggies and protein. Can be done, but it's harder, especially compared to starchy carbs.
  • rencawdor24
    rencawdor24 Posts: 157 Member
    Stick with salads, veggies and protein, and don't worry about the oil - you need oil (good for brain and digestion). Instead, cut out the rice and other carbs - no breads, or potatoes, or corn products. Those are so high in calories and so easy to overeat on, especially since you're not able to measure them. So in essence, I'm suggesting you go low carb for awhile.

    I suggest that only because you're not able to weigh and measure your food, and it's hard to overeat on veggies and protein. Can be done, but it's harder, especially compared to starchy carbs.
    I have reduced my carb. I don't eat chapatis or rice as much.
    For breakfast, I tend to have porridge or omlette or fried egg
    Lunch - salad with grilled chicken
    Evening - I allow myself to have an Indian meal, as otherwise I feel like I'm missing out on food here. So this ranges from chicken tikka, to kebabs or veg curry with 2 chappati or very occasionally biryani.

    I have cut down on carbs a lot, do I need to cut down further?
  • rencawdor24
    rencawdor24 Posts: 157 Member
    Stick with salads, veggies and protein, and don't worry about the oil - you need oil (good for brain and digestion). Instead, cut out the rice and other carbs - no breads, or potatoes, or corn products. Those are so high in calories and so easy to overeat on, especially since you're not able to measure them. So in essence, I'm suggesting you go low carb for awhile.

    I suggest that only because you're not able to weigh and measure your food, and it's hard to overeat on veggies and protein. Can be done, but it's harder, especially compared to starchy carbs.
    I have reduced my carb. I don't eat chapatis or rice as much.
    For breakfast, I tend to have porridge or omlette or fried egg
    Lunch - salad with grilled chicken
    Evening - I allow myself to have an Indian meal, as otherwise I feel like I'm missing out on food here. So this ranges from chicken tikka, to kebabs or veg curry with 2 chappati or very occasionally biryani.

    I have cut down on carbs a lot, do I need to cut down further?

    When I eat chicken tikka or kebabs, I eat it with salad. And sometimes I have a baby naan, only because they present it in front of me.
  • Roaringgael
    Roaringgael Posts: 339 Member
    I would guess that you are under estimating the calorific value of your indian food. A reasonable portion would probably be quite small.
    Looking in the food data base on here most cupfuls are at least 250 cals and some things are even 500 cals per cup/portion.
    This would be your problem.
  • rencawdor24
    rencawdor24 Posts: 157 Member
    I would guess that you are under estimating the calorific value of your indian food. A reasonable portion would probably be quite small.
    Looking in the food data base on here most cupfuls are at least 250 cals and some things are even 500 cals per cup/portion.
    This would be your problem.
    You might be right.
    Do you know if a handful equates to a cup full? I tend to estimate a cup full to be more then a handful, maybe a handful and half or two handfuls.
  • Zombielicious
    Zombielicious Posts: 246 Member
    You should try working out more. Ripped in 30 probably only burns a couple hundred calories. I always burned less than 200 when I did it. You need more cardio or to lift heavier weights. Indian food is very calorie dense, especially curries, biryani, and naan. If you want a traditional calorie laden Indian meal, try having it earlier in the day or limiting them to a couple times a week.
  • Zombielicious
    Zombielicious Posts: 246 Member
    Do you know if a handful equates to a cup full? I tend to estimate a cup full to be more then a handful, maybe a handful and half or two handfuls.

    Try this site:

    It should help.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Trying doesnt equal weight loss. Calorie deficit = weight loss.
  • freemystery
    freemystery Posts: 184 Member
    I think you may have to tighten up your plan- there are too many fuzzy variables that are not being accurately tracked and I think the margin of error that this opens up is significant enough to stall your weight loss.

    I understand that you are eating at the hotel and you are not in a position to track every last thing but more discipline around your food intake is required. When eating out, portion sizes tend to be larger and foods are not always prepared with low-calorie diets in mind.
    This is potentially awkward but you can always try asking for another plate and measuring your portion on to that. It's extreme but you can take a small scale or measuring cups
    if you are unsure of how to accurately measure things. I have very bad guessing skills so I have tried this and it has helped me a lot.

    Also what type of food you are asking for- the sauces are always risky because you can't easily tell what went into them. I always figure the better it tastes the more calories it must contain! Perhaps try ordering things that are dry or get your sauce/ gravy on the side. I know you have certain foods you are comfortable and familiar with but this might be where the problem is happening, you may have to choose what you want more. Your food or your weight loss.
  • murdledoe
    murdledoe Posts: 98 Member
    Can you get your omelet made with only egg whites? This would bring your calorie count way down.
  • Moarenergy
    Moarenergy Posts: 5 Member
    I am living away from home in a hotel in India. I have been trying to lose weight for 6 weeks now and have seen no weight loss.

    I am 33 year old female, weight 165lb and am 5 ft 3 inch.

    I began trying to eat 1200 calories a day but failed miserably and so upped my calories to 1400 calories for last two weeks. I have also been working out to Ripped in 30 around 4 times a week.
    I am thinking of switching to cardio such as jogging on the spot.

    I have seen no weight loss so far. Neither does my clothes fit any looser.

    Please help

    A few more details please. What are the macronutrients of your diet consisting of?

    Are you making sure you are weighing everything or just eyeballing your food quantities?

    Also if you are using some of the foods that are already in the MFP database, sometimes these can be off and you could be eating more then you think.

    Try eat more protein if you can, this will make you feel fuller and also blunt your hunger. Also being prepared with meals, snacks that your allowed goes along way in making sure you don't get so hungry you end up eating whatever you can grab at the time.

    All the best!