adammeynell86 Member


  • Yeah, protein does but it's worth playing around with it, casein (or if you can't stomach casein) then a milk protein (80% casein, 20% whey) will leave you feel much fuller than standard whey, you'll notice when you mix it (I would also suggest leaving it to stand for ten minutes) you end up with an almost angel delight…
  • Change your perspective, consistency is key, if you had an awesome 10/11 months between now and Christmas then three days is nothing, not a thing. I know lots of people have cheat days and what not, have you ever thought of banking them? If I get to the end of the week and I don't feel like I want to go mental and eat…
  • Right, a couple of things to consider and ways to approach this, treat your running as though it was a strength training exercise in the sense of volume, intensity and frequency, you wouldn't through hill sprints which are a high intensity exercise next to a high volume hypertrophy workout since your legs would be…
  • Hi, going to throw my hat into the ring to mentor here, first hand experience and knowledge of diet, nutrition and fitness, strength and endurance based both generalised and event specific, having achieved both 300km hikes and 20 mile obstacle course races, I also understand and can empathise with the emotional aspects of…
  • I had a similar situation, working nightshift I was on my feet all night running around, and I could easily rock out well over 10,000 steps (being in retail going into Christmas my pedometer was up around the 25k mark) - the answer is just listening to your tracker but also listening to your body, if your active you'll…
  • Hey, welcome on board,'s all over the shop here, but the first one is have a goal, something you can measure, know exactly where you are and where you want to be, then have a plan, not just "eat less" but specific little (or big) changes your going to make to get to your goal. Once you have these, stop and…
  • How important is your Cardio? What you could do is a full body routine three times per week (Monday and friday being your sets and reps)...however make your wednesday weights session a metabolic circuit (rather than set and reps, work you way through one set of each exercise as fast as you can, then rest for two minutes,…
  • Alright Josh! First of all congratulations on a fantastic start! You seem to be well on your way and have established good habits (Recording what you eat) - I would have to ask you, do you feel 45lbs lighter? You are concerned about whether you are losing it too fast or not eating enough and an easy way of answering this…
  • One or two points, I haven't heard of 5x5 being used as a beginner programme. To achieve failure in five reps or less normally requires a heavy weight and as such is used by people who can recruit that many muscle fibres, if beginners are starting there and using a lighter weight to get used to the motions then yeah, that…
  • I personally wouldn't recommend the 5x5 programme for you for the following reasons; 1.As an beginning lifter, I doubt your joints and other connective tissues are properly adjusted to the stresses and strains of a heavy weight low rep programme, i would give it six months of lifting before going 5x5 to reduce the risk of…
  • The above workout is a good place to start, however I would like to post some possible edits, just in case you feel it isn't working 1. I would work in a higher rep range (15-20 reps) with a lighter weight, this isn't for calorie burn or anything else you may of read about rep ranges and toning, if your new to lifting then…
  • As I am sure you are aware, calories out being greater than calories in will lead to weight loss, but you also mentioned that you are on synthroid...I am assuming this is for Hypothyroidism? Whilst you probably know this, hypothyroidism can lead to weight gain, and even though you may of been told that the synthroid can…
  • hey, first post on here! You will find an initial rebound weight gain, this isnt anything to be concerned about, when you cut your diet your metabolism will of attempted to compensate, lowering accordingly, this means that when you attempt to increase calories your body will initially be unprepared to deal with them, and…