readeramm Member


  • My cute dog is Sammy, a beagle whose joy in walking helps me get out there every day! I'm 52, just starting to transition into menopause. I know the battle gets tougher when we get older, I do have the book and understand I don't need to count calories but I am analytical so I when not losing weight at the rate I had…
  • Sorry, I didn't realize I had to unlock my diary for folks to see it. Now unlocked. I do weigh everything and am pretty meticulous about it. My calorie burn comes from my Fitbit - it doesn't seem excessive and I typically don't eat back many of those calories. Doctor recommended low sugar diet because I lost 80 pounds 2…
  • One day at a time, one choice at a time. I'm not the healthiest eater but through trial and error I have found the foods that I enjoy and that are healthier than those I used to eat. I get up at 4:30 every day during the week and walk 90 minutes before work and get up at 6 am on the weekends and hike 3-4 hours before it…
  • I kept pushing off starting the process because I was so overwhelmed by what lay before me. I faced that it was likely going to take me 2 years to reach my goal but I would never get there if I never started. Over the last 10 months I have learned to make better food choices and to hold myself accountable to my calories in…
  • How about adding a one mile leisurely walk after dinner with him? You can burn a few more calories, encourage him, have together time and preserve your mornings for yourself.
  • I didn't really believe in myself when I started this time either. I finally decided that it would likely take me 2 years to get to my goal and that seemed more than I believed myself capable of. Regardless, I did start again and 10 months later I'm over half way to my goal and I've got the routines in place to really do…
  • walking is my primary exercise. I started with 1 mile at a time and now I walk 5-9 miles 6 days a week and have been losing steadily for 9 months.
  • I have been at it for 8 months and am losing 6-8 pounds a month throughout. As my calorie allotments have gone down with my weight loss I've been exercising more so I can still get enough to eat while maintaining my steady progress. I have not plateaued for any longer than two weeks doing it this way which really has…
  • You are moving right along. Great work! You look terrific already!
  • I weigh myself once a week - Saturday mornings. This takes a lot of the daily ups and downs out of the equation and I lose weight almost every week so it keeps me going. Can't wait to see tomorrow's success.
  • I added 15,000 steps a day during the work week and 20,000 a day on the weekends. I'm usually exceeding these goals which makes eating better much easier. I'm going to do it this time. There is no doubt for the first time ever.
  • Wow! Great work. Keep it going!
  • WOW!! You inspire me!
  • Woo-hoo! What an inspiration!
  • You look 10 years younger! Great job sticking with it!
  • I just say "thanks, I've been working on it." when someone notices I've lost weight.
  • I get up and work out early to get it over with. When the alarm goes off I get up immediately or else I'll snooze and lose my opportunity. Once I get started, I'm glad I did it and it helps me eat better all day because I don't want to waste the effort I put in getting up early to work out. It shows its value on the scale!…
  • Thanks for all the suggestions. They are helpful. I didn't realize I could counteract some of the sodium with extra water - I can handle that.
  • Planning ahead helps me. When we eat out I try to select a national chain so I can access their nutritional information ahead of time. I make my selection before we go out so I know exactly what I'm doing. Just looking at entrees with 1500 calories and 50 grams of fat is enough for me to decide I want no part of it. If I…