Early morning workout people....



  • deut32_47
    deut32_47 Posts: 11 Member
    I do my workout first thing in the morning, sometimes a little later if my daughter wakes up as early as I do. For me, it was difficult to get up early, but after several months I found that my body will not sleep any longer than eight hours. So, I make sure that I am giving myself that eight hours of sleep every night. If I am unable to do that I find my workouts are much harder.

    As for the eating part... try eating a bit of protein. The dizziness could be your body's way of saying it is low and needs an energy boost. I have learned to enjoy egg whites, they are really low in calories (16 cal. avg. depending on size) and you can eat several of them. You might try eating one right afterwards as well.

    I am not a doctor, so this is just what I find that works for me. Hope this helps. If not, you might try talking to your doctor and seek his/her advice.
  • ltf304
    ltf304 Posts: 132 Member
    Also, if your workouts are fairly intense I would recommend eating beforehand. I didn't used to eat before my workouts and did that for a while. I found myself exhausted the rest of the day and starving. At least eat some yogurt and fruit and get something in your stomach. I have never been nauseaus or had side stitches from eating beforehand. Everybody is different, but food is fuel and you need it. :)
  • ginnym1981
    ginnym1981 Posts: 9 Member
    "Are you going to be doing double workouts?"

    I am but this will be temporary....the only reason I'm wanting to do this for awhile (about 2-3 weeks) is to get myself used to an early am workout and having a CLASS to attend will keep me from hitting snooze (I hope)
    I have to get in some runs (prob 3 a week, 2 short/easy, 1 long) because I am running the Hood to Coast relay Aug 26th.
    The pilates and yoga are light enough workouts (20-45 mins) that I don't really considered difficult and just do them to supplement my running.

    Once I've adapted (somewhat) I can trade in a few of those classes for running in the am instead.
  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    This has probably been asked but how the heck do you do it?
    >>>I have no idea - it's more of a compulsion than a desire at this point, really.

    How long until you felt GOOD about getting up to workout? (when did it become a habit?)
    >>>I don't feel good getting up to workout, but I know I feel GREAT after my workout. It took about 2-3 weeks of doing it consistently, then about a week or two of not, to make me realized that I kind of missed it.

    What do you eat/drink beforehand? (I tend to get light headed when I eat nothing before a workout)
    >>>Nothing. It makes me sick to eat or drink anything (even water) before a workout. This is why I have to do them first thing in the morning...

    What time do you go to bed in order to have an easy wake up? (if this exists haha)
    >>>Ideally 9pm means I'm up (on my own) at 6am. Realistically - I've got 3 kids (teenagers) - this NEVER happens. I'm usually in bed between 10 and 11, and can muster my way out of bed at 6/6:30. (Good luck with 4:45! :noway:)
  • SavCal71
    SavCal71 Posts: 350 Member
    This has probably been asked but how the heck do you do it? -- You just do it. Make it a priority and a habit.

    How long until you felt GOOD about getting up to workout? (when did it become a habit?) -- it didn't start feeling good until I was doing it EVERY weekday. 2-3x a week doesn't work - the sleeping later days in between are just too nice. 5x a week and it's much easier.

    What do you eat/drink beforehand? (I tend to get light headed when I eat nothing before a workout) -- nothing for a normal, every day early workout (5:30am). Something like a fiber one bar or toast and pb if I'm doing a longer run (6+ miles).

    What time do you go to bed in order to have an easy wake up? (if this exists haha) -- I don't go to bed until 10:30-11 most nights and my alarm goes off at 5:10. Most of the time that's a fairly easy wakeup.

    Any pointers? -- lay out your clothes ahead of time. make it a habit. don't hit the snooze button.
  • Anngetsfit
    Anngetsfit Posts: 17 Member
    I have been working out at our local fitness center at 5:00 AM M-F for the past 3 1/2 years (since it opened). I have only missed a handful of days. When people ask me how I continue to do it I tell them it is not an option not to come. I have gotten as little as 3 hrs of sleep and still gotten up and gone in.
  • ginnym1981
    ginnym1981 Posts: 9 Member
    Wow you guys are so motivating!!
    I just posted on FB my plans in hopes to find a fellow partner (this will help tremendously!) so I'm crossing my fingers and next week is MY week!! (I'm gonna make it my b1tch!!! hahahaha)
  • 140150
    140150 Posts: 27
    1. How long until you felt GOOD about getting up to workout?

    i think it took about three days. today is just my sixth or seventh day of exercising ( and having an account on myfitnesspal ), and i feel absolutely awful about not exercising today because of * ahem * girly problems.

    2. What do you eat/drink beforehand?

    i just drink water but if i did eat, i would probably eat one or two scrambled eggs.

    3. What time do you go to bed in order to have an easy wake up?

    i wake up between 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM, sometimes 10:00 AM, and i go to sleep between 11:00 PM and 12:00 AM, sometimes 1:00 PM. i used to wake up between 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM and go to sleep between 6:00 AM and 7:00 AM so it's definitely possible to change your sleeping schedule, ahaha!
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    I am in general terms a morning person, so that helps. I get up at 5am to workout. But all I have to do is let the dogs outside for their morning business and then go down to the basement, put on my workout clothes, and start moving. If I had to get up and get ready and drive to the gym it would be more difficult for me.

    I don't eat anything before my morning workout. It makes me feel yuck to eat that early and then to work out right away. I am more one of those people that have to follow the pool rule... ya know that "wait 30 minutes after eating before swimming" rule we heard as kids. Yeah, that applies to me and workouts. I workout for 30-45 minutes in the morning, drink a bottle of water, take a shower, then prepare a breakfast before heading to work. I then generally do a different workout routine each evening.
  • sarah829522
    sarah829522 Posts: 139
    I'm NOT a morning person (er I wasn't) and I still don't enjoy it but the alarm goes off at 4:45. I drive to the gym there get there before 6 get in my workout and feel AMAZING after! I have to get ready there at the gym and head to work.

    After work there's kids and family and dinner and it just wasn't happening with small kids my nights are spoken for. Doing this for myself and having me time in the morning while my wonderful husband does the morning routine is the only way it works for our family.

    Here's my tip:

    When you want to sleep in when you just don't feel like it when you have cramps when it's raining -- DO IT ANYWAY. GET UP ANYWAY. WORKOUT ANYWAY. You will make yourself proud.

    How long until you felt GOOD about getting up to workout? (when did it become a habit?) They say two months well I've been working out since October and can say that some days I pop right out of bed and some days are a struggle. On those days I remind myself I will feel better after I workout.

    What do you eat/drink beforehand? Nothing. Tho my trainer has said I could do a protein shake before if I wanted.

    What time do you go to bed in order to have an easy wake up? This was the hardest transition for me because before the AM workouts I would watch the DVR shows at night go to bed at 12 or 1 and get to work by 8-9. I was addicted to TV and I decided I wanted to be addicted to healthy things so I try to go to bed between 9-10 now which means going to sleep between 10-11.
  • readeramm
    readeramm Posts: 23 Member
    I get up and work out early to get it over with. When the alarm goes off I get up immediately or else I'll snooze and lose my opportunity. Once I get started, I'm glad I did it and it helps me eat better all day because I don't want to waste the effort I put in getting up early to work out. It shows its value on the scale!

    I don't usually eat first unless I'm going hiking (my non-work day activity). When I do I eat a piece of fruit and carry a protein bar.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I absolutely hate early morning workouts, because then it means I have to workout with others, and I have to do stupid things like 'madatory fun day'. Like I told them when I was forced to play volleyball, "I'm not good at anything involving teamwork." (When it comes to sports).
  • joyfulthanks
    joyfulthanks Posts: 155
    I've never, EVER been a morning person, but my alarm now goes off at 4:45 am. I clean house for an hour or so, and then work out.

    Here's a really important thing I've learned. If you have a hard time getting up at a specific time, try moving the time up (or back) 30 minutes or so. I have a TERRIBLE time getting out of bed at 6 am, but getting up an hour earlier (at 5 am) is MUCH easier. I think this has to do with what part of the sleep cycle you're in at any given point. From my experience, I am in very deep sleep at 6 am, but not so much at 5 am.

    The other thing that helps a TON is to get a light alarm. It's an alarm clock that gradually turns a light on over the course of 15-30 minutes. It gradually wakes you up, and it is MUCH easier to get out of bed when it's already fully light in the room.

    Also, as others have said, keep your wake-up time consistent. If you sleep in on the weekends or something, it will throw you all out of whack. Go to bed early. Get a routine in place for getting ready for bed at a certain time. Your body will get the message that it's time to go to bed.

    Hope this helps.
  • JoceyyySmall
    JoceyyySmall Posts: 155 Member
    Seems like liquids may be the way to go! I like room temp water so maybe I'll just set a bottled water next to my bed to drink right when I wake up, then maybe a small smoothie with milk and fruit. Thanks!

    I'm just worried about that boot camp and sculpting class....I can just seem myself having to do burpees and such (fast up and down movements) and feeling like I'm going to upchuck my water or whatever else I eat...I'm also anemic so I tend to black out/feel dizzy if I'm not hydrated or have an empty tummy.

    I do a bootcamp exercise and circuits a couple times a week. I have a huge aversion to burpees. When i first started I couldn't do it, but they have gotten easier since I started doing them in classes beginning in november, but I still hate when they are put in the rotation which is always- but those are some of my favorite classes to go to. You'll love them!!
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    I only do pilates first thing in the AM, so it's not too intense. I don't eat at all until after my workout.