Kathley Member


  • Kudos to you! right now I am doing the jog a minute and walk fast 4 then jog a minute and walk fast 4. My goal for 2014 5ks is to jog at least one third of the entire thing and be able to jog half of it by the end of that year. It's tough so good flipping job on you!!
  • Any of you here can add me as well - I am not sure how to request an add - but I know how to accept them!
  • Something I do at night when I lay down as I am drifting to sleep - I hold my stomach as tight as I can and breath deep. I do this till I fall to sleep - doesn't take much effort but I know it helps!
    in need help Comment by Kathley June 2013
  • I have Peppermint (not spearmint - big diff) in a 24oz hot cup - with 5oz of soy and sugar free Caramel Macchiato (sp). It is so tasty. I make my own at home too with our Keurig.
  • I think you look awesome in either picture - but yeah you can tell a very distinct difference.
  • If it works and you are healthy doing that - don't fix it - I do the same thing but have a lot to lose so I only do that maybe once every few months. I usually trick out what exercise I am doing by the week.
  • I want to do this too - I will get my daughter Sam Skeen to help me set up the walking tracker - I don't know how far I can go - I will ask her for help on that one too - this is my first challenge.
  • I just joined the site with my daughter and I have exactly 100 more pounds to lose - I have lost 32 pounds since January - so I am really pumped to keep going. I do fall off the yellow brick road sometimes and just wish I had helpful monkies to chase me back - hope you all want to be monkies:)