RetaRose Member


  • I have been ebf my third baby for the past year, and have not lost anything, although I have been working out since 6 weeks postpartum. I'm assuming the breastfeeding is why I haven't lost anything. With my other two I dropped as soon as I stopped, so I'm hoping that since I have been working out this whole time, once I'm…
  • I have this problem as well. When I work out, or even when im just out in the heat for to long. I use ice packs to help keep me cool. I went and got some of those work out band you where on your head and arms, and I dipped them in water and then put them in the freezer, helps to keep me cool, and of course like everone…
  • This is a great question, and Im glad you asked!! I was diagnosed, almost two years ago now, but it feels like its new. I found out I was pregnant right after so everything was put on hold. Truth is I kind of pretended that I didn't have it. But in the last few months it has gotten pretty bad. I have a nero appt coming up,…
  • Im excited I have reached my goal wieght!! Now I have to try and stay where im at!! I keep telling myself its okay you can treat yourself now, but I know if im not careful I'll be right back to where I was before
    in Insanity Comment by RetaRose April 2012
  • sren4th it is a hard but awesome work out. The results are great!!!!
    in Insanity Comment by RetaRose April 2012
  • Keep at it clang1!!! You have come so far, no way do you want to give up now!!
    in Insanity Comment by RetaRose April 2012
  • I do it with Hubby, I find we both push each other to keep going, and I don't mind looking like a tard in front of him lol. But I would never let anyone else see me do it, I know I look like a crazy person trying to keep up with the people on the video
  • I did this with Hubby and dropped a bunch of weight but didn't tone up at all, so Im going to start over and hope this time I can tone. Its a hard work out but so worth it in the end
    in Insanity Comment by RetaRose April 2012