I'm not sure about the whole calorie counting and % between nutrition, but i know that if you want to define and get lean, you do low weight, hi-reps. Then again, i could be wrong there also, and just make sure you get a good amount of protein in you after working out. I usually get 20-40 grams of protein in me after doing…
No need to go to the gym because all i do is cardio, if i were to go to a gym it would be for swimming. that's about it.
Just lift what feels comfortable, thats as simple as anyone can put it. when you feel comfortable lifting heavier, then start going up by 2.5 lbs, or 5lbs, depending on type of weights.
i have got into a simple routine for this, and it's not something that i gotta push myself to do, at this point, it becomes a healthy habit. 1) wake up, use the rest room 2) eat 1 hard boiled egg (and hydrate). 3) hit the cardio. I dont hydrate during my workouts because i like to weigh myself after every morning cardio.…
This, to me, is the best book you could ever buy if you want to lose weight, have long term good health. and above all else, get closer to the desired body you have wanted for so long.
I know i shouldn't but i almost always have some sort of "cheat" food on a daily basis, but i always tend to burn enough calories to afford something that's not really apart of my diet.
i tend to fall asleep on my back, in a sort of mummified position, but i generally wake up on my left side, or sometimes on my stomach, which then leads to a sore/irritated back and neck. not too sure about my wife.
I'm not sure, when i worked for Safeway Distribution Center, we worked in a ~28 degree warehouse for 8+ hours. repetitive heavy lifting, and it was definitely a physically demanding and fast pace job. Now that i think of it, i really wish i knew how many calories i burnt during work.
I am thoroughly impressed with how hell MFP knows how to troll. well done.
my default picture is me during my workout. doesn't quite do it justice, i have trouble getting my shirt off because it's soaked in sweat. and my arms reflect and glissen when sunshine hits them.
If money were no issue, i would get a chef who would cook all my meals according to my diet. i could do all the rest myself.
Americone Dream. /thread
oh wow i think i may try this, i have a really terrible sweet tooth, and thats the biggest reason why i'm having trouble losing weight consistently, i think i'll give this a try.
Sing Percussion (drummer) hello :D
it's generally good to have something LIGHT to eat pre workout. For me, i usually will have a hard boiled egg with a slice of ham.
I used to have a long list of issues stemming from my childhood. i was put on all sorts of medication and i did years of extensive therapy. including CBT/DBT. I really hated the fact that i had meds, i felt weak, and i didn't feel like me. I decided to replace all of the meds and crap in exchange for a cleaner diet and…
House The Daily Show The Colbert Report Criminal Minds Bomb Patrol: Afghanistan
Yup, 45 minutes of cardio incline.
My best friends mom has fought breast cancer for a very long time, got it 3 different times. she lived a very healthy life and did everything above and beyond of what was expected of her. Unfortunately, because of the long term treatment for breast cancer, she got other serious health issues, lungs filled with fluid, got…
Actually, i am extremely fortunate to not have lost any immediate family members for most of my life, only person i remember passing is my grandma on my moms side. However, i have had several close friends pass, which isn't any easier. I'm afraid for how i will handle my grandparent's death on my dads side. Cause i know my…
My calfs are incredibly defined, but i don't know as far as weight is concerned. It feels like i haven't lost anything in the last 6 months that i have been working hard to improve my weight.
i average 10-12 cups a day.
"pain is weakness leaving the body" - i say keep going.
In beaverton
I'm in OR :D
My post workout lunch :D Whole wheat bread, 1can of tuna mixed with 1tblspn of honey mustard, a serving of grapes, and a serving of cashews. with water :D
i average 10-12 cups of water a day. that means i fill up my contigo water bottle 3 times every day.
Here's the thing, you don't even need to lift weights to trim down. If you do full body movement workouts it's just as effective, if not more effective than weight lifting. Cardio will "trim" you out, if you have a clean diet. lifting will build/tone muscle, depending on how you lift. Full body movement exercises will…
i personally know people who do do crossfit, and they are definitely in shape. probably one of the best things to spend your money on, as far as going to a gym is concerned.