mbollman Member


  • For what it's worth: I gained a lot of weight very quickly after having the Mirena put in...and found it IMPOSSIBLE to lose. (Plus I felt like junk while I had it in.) I gave it a year and 25 pounds, and decided to take it out. Then I got serious about losing the wieght and it came off quite easily. I'm down over 30 pounds…
  • I'm in LOVE with pink's new song, Raise Your Glass!
  • High protein snacks help me. I like snacking on almonds or cottage cheese, they're very filling. And try and distract yourself...start a project or something. I felt the same way the first week. And it turned out I lost 10 pounds during week one! Your body will adjust. Good luck!
  • I also go for good old fashioned water...and when that fails diet coke, as well as almonds. If you get planters nut-trition almonds you can have 25 of them for 170 cals. And lately I've been filling up on things like cottage cheese and re-fried beans. Protein!!!
  • I had the Mirena put in and gained a lot of weight (25 pounds) really quickly. I was also losing lots of hair and had sore breasts and dull cramping. No matter how I worked out I could not seem to take any weight off with it in. So I finally had it taken out last January. Since then I feel SOOOOO much better! Still working…
  • These are all GREAT!!! I can't wait to start browsing!!!
  • Ha! Leave it to a man. :)