Something to help cravings?

Ok, the last straw for me was when a customer at my work just assumed that I was pregnant. And not only said it once, but 4 times before he decided to actually ask me if I was.
So here I am. My biggest thing is cravings or hunger control. Any easy tips for me?


  • mikkimomof3
    mikkimomof3 Posts: 224 Member
    I make myself drink water, chew gum, and sometimes brush my teeth--or if I am seriously hungry, I snack on almonds. It's crazy how 8-10 almonds can help curb my appetite. Good luck and I hope you find something that helps!
  • asallen7
    asallen7 Posts: 301
    Something that has helped me is spacing my meals apart by about 3 -4 hours. I plan my calories the day before and space it out so that I'm never starving. Drinking plenty of water helps, too, as does eating lots of fiber rich fruits and veggies. These are good for you, low cal, and keep you full.
  • mbollman
    mbollman Posts: 10 Member
    I also go for good old fashioned water...and when that fails diet coke, as well as almonds. If you get planters nut-trition almonds you can have 25 of them for 170 cals. And lately I've been filling up on things like cottage cheese and re-fried beans. Protein!!!
  • jojotulla
    I agree - Water, Water, Water ( I have to force myself - but when I do I feel so much better and lose more weight). I love almonds too. 10 almonds help get me through.
    Good luck you can do it!!!!!
  • Well looks like i am gonna start drinking more water and buy some almonds! Its a good think I like Thank you to everyone!
  • tummer
    tummer Posts: 13 Member
    Eat smaller meals more often! Sometimes if I get a sweet tooth I'll go get kettle corn pop corn (that helps sometimes). They have lots of sugar free stuff now that is yummy! There are some sugar free cookies that are just as good as the reg ones. But like anything else (even healthy stuff "Moderation is key"). Good luck.