ScarlettVamp Member


  • I think surfrgrl brought this to Mindy's attention on FB which is where I happened to see it. Interesting indeed!
  • I tried speed dating once about 13 years ago. Here's how it went: 1 - Met 12 men, had 5 minute convo with each one. 2 - I was interested in 2. Listed them on my response card and gave to speed dating organizer. 3 - Received an email that 1 of the men I was interested in, was also interested in me. Exchanged info. 4 - Man…
  • It takes time to "get to know" people on your friends list. I agree with another poster who suggested that you put something personal on your news feed. I may "like" posts, but the conversations with my friends are much broader than just hitting calorie goal or calorie burns. It's about life, lifestyle, and often fun with…
  • Quaker Oatmeal Squares Banana Nut Crunch Nom nom nom nom nom
  • OMG...Love this!! ^^^^ It explains so much about my husband....hmmmm.
  • This is awesome! :flowerforyou:
  • I agree! I don't post on the forums much either, but I am very thankful for all of the knowledge that is shared by those who know what they are doing. Thanks everyone!
  • This! Also, I have a friend who at 34 years old recently fought for her life in the hospital for almost 2 months after having bronchitis that developed into pneumonia. The doctor has told her it will take at least a year for her lungs to recover enough for her to even think about exercise. Much better to take care of the…
  • Creamy, delicious peanut butter. *wipes drool from chin* And yes, I've tried PB2 and no, it just doesn't cut it.:grumble:
  • What everyone else has said! Also, look at it as percentage of body weight and y'all are both very close in weight loss. :smile: Him - .049 % You - .036 % You're doing great! Congratulations! Edited to fix my typo!
  • I've given it some thought this morning and have decided I won't be participating in the challenge for the rest of this month. When something/someone makes you feel bad about yourself instead of good, it's not the right fit. Many thanks to those who inspired me over the past months to take control of my eating and get back…
  • April 8 Green: Yes Total: 8/27
  • April 4, 5, 6, 7 Green: Yes Total: 7/27 As I'm doing a calorie cycling thing trying to figure out my "sweet spot" for calorie intake now that I am working out 3 to 4 days per week minimum, my diary may not always look green simply because I don't want to change the MFP settings every day. When I average my week though, I…
  • April 3 Green: Yes Total: 3/27 It was a gym day and I SO love my Zumba class! Who knew I would start looking forward to exercise? I'm actually still riding the endorphin high today. :bigsmile: @kawookie - You look amazing! I know what you mean about the exercise sometimes feeling like drudgery. I've always taken to working…
  • You look amazing!! Great work!!!
  • April 2 Green: Yes Total: 2/27 I actually managed to stay under on a rest day for a change. Yay!!!
  • I didn't get to check in for the end of the month, so just for the record I was green on March 31st but did not make my goal for the month. *sigh* April 1 Green: Yes Total: 1/27 Gym days make it so much easier to stay under goal! I did Zumba + treadmill yesterday. I've been eating a LOT of junk food for the last 4 or 5…
  • I'm late to the party (as usual!), but I'm going for 27 green days and will not be participating in the hydrate challenge. Thanks to all for keeping this challenge going! And great to see you, Chevy!!
  • March 27 Green: No Total/Goal: 19/27 March 28 Green: No Total/Goal: 19/27 March 29 Green: Yes - Thank you exercise calories!! Total/Goal: 20/27 March 30 Green: No - Not even close! Total/Goal: 20/27 It has been a rough week in so many ways. I'm just going to keep at it and be thankful April is a new month! @Debbie - I can…
  • March 26 Green: Yes Total/Goal: 19/27 Crappy workout after work due to lack of sleep and my stupid injured foot. Took out my frustrations with frozen yogurt and way too much of it but managed to stay green thanks to exercise.
  • Peanut Butter - We currently have a love/hate relationship
  • March 25 Green: NO Total/Goal: 18/27 A big, fat, emotional eating, binging NO. I actually put peanut butter on top of moose tracks frozen yogurt. I'm going to have to go to PBAA (Peanut Butter Addicts Anonymous) if this keeps up!!:grumble:
  • I got this idea from an MFP post a year or two ago and adapted it to my caloric needs. I got out of the habit of making them and am starting back with them for an easy, healthy, "on the go" breakfast. I make a dozen on Sunday, put them in the refrigerator, and toss 2 (or 3) in the microwave each morning. Here's the recipe…
  • Rogue! I especially love the Rogue from the 90's X-Men cartoon where she had stolen Ms. Marvel's powers. She was even more awesome with super strength and power of flight.
  • March 24 Green: Yes Total/Goal: 18/27 Good workout at the gym after work today. I needed to relieve some stress, but sadly it just wasn't enough to make it go away for more than the hour I was there. Just pulled a batch of mini breakfast quiches out of the oven. Trying to get my protein up in the morning even when I'm on…
  • I love cucumbers, baby carrots, and bell pepper slices dipped in hummus or homemade low fat ranch dip. I've also done the bake your own tortilla chips by cutting a whole wheat tortilla into triangles, spraying it with non stick spray, and tossing it in the oven. When I want a salsa fix, I mix it with cottage cheese and it…
  • March 21 Green: NO - Mexican and Margarita dinner. Yum! Total/Goal: 16/27 March 22 Green: NO - PB&J on crackers late night binge. Total/Goal: 16/27 March 23 Green: Yes - Chevy Style! Total/Goal: 17/27 I did have a great workout at the gym on the 22nd, but it just wasn't enough to cover all of the peanut butter!
  • March 20 Green: Yes Total/Goal: 16/27 I'm embracing my new gym membership and feeling great! Though I still don't like exercise much.:grumble: @Debbie - Snacking "binges" are often emotional eating for me. And peanut butter is such a yummy thing! lol @kawookie - The good thing is that one super high calorie meal every now…
  • Leftovers from last night's dinner....Open faced hot turkey sandwich with gravy. 305 calories of YUM.
  • March 19 Green: Yes Total/Goal: 15/27 @kawookie - Great news about your dad! @Debbie - Congrats on Planet Fitness membership and workouts! @R-queenie - Red Lobster sounds delicious! Mmmm.