Tmac125 Member


  • I notice a lot more now too! The only time I really "judge" is when it's friends who complain to me they can't lose weight or not losing weight and then I see them get a bag of popcorn theatre or take bites when they are cooking. It's hard not to say something. When our whole office of women are watching what they eat and…
  • Yes, eventually the scale will go down. Muscle does tend to hold on to water to rehydrate itself. Remember a pound of muscle and a pound of fat both weigh a pound on the scale. Muscle takes up way less space (is more dense) which is why you'll change clothes size faster.
  • Hey I'm so happy for you taking the time for you! You will lose it again! I'm so glad you joined this site too!
  • I went last year too! It was a blast! I lost about 30lbs but that was after i gained some back! I want to be less than i was last year! So far so good!
  • I did WW for two years. It worked for me, but you do get to a point where you don't really learn anything new. You're paying all that money for basically a support group. My BFF Jenn found this site for a group of us, and I really like it. Now, I'm still doing my points, but I've dropped them down to better get to the…
  • Hi there! As someone who has lost over 100lbs and kept that part off (I lost 160 but that last 60 keeps coming and going), I'd say you are on the right track! It is a moment by moment struggle. Sometimes it's easier than others but if we keep at it we will get to where we want to be. I lost my intial weight through Weight…