UhOhItsKylie Member


  • I've always been a boredom eater and definitely a night-time snacker. I wouldn't say that I binge, per se, but I definitely eat when I'm not hungry. It's becoming a huge problem. Drinking a bunch of cold water or chewing gum helps. I've also started taking my dogs on a walk when I feel like the refrigerator is calling my…
  • I found it on Pinterest, but if you Google 30 Day Squat Challenge it will come up. Basically, you start out doing 50 (I think) squats, and each day the number of squats increases with a rest day every fourth day or so. Very simple and easy to do! I did standard squats with just my body weight, but you can do whatever style…
  • I stay in shape mainly for myself, but also for my husband. He tells me all the time how much he appreciates the fact that I work on my fitness. He realizes that when I look good, I feel good and that a happy wife equals a happy life. Ha! I don't think it's right to just let yourself go the moment you say 'I do' because…
  • I'm finishing my 30 Day Squat challenge today and will be posting my before and after pictures tomorrow. It's a big difference! Do it!
  • I saw good results with the 30 Day Shred, but I'll admit it gets really repetitive and it's difficult to stick with. But, it's only 25 minutes long and is a nice little workout when going to the gym seems like too much of a chore. ;)
  • Just ask your gym manager or any other knowledgable staff to help you learn the equipment. That's what they are there for! As for me, I purchased about 4 sessions with a personal trainer 3 years ago to help me learn "how" to lift and what proper form was. It was a little pricy, but still today it was worth every penny.…
  • It wasn't a diet, per se, but a 48 hour lemon juice-cheyenne pepper water "cleanse". I told myself that it wasn't to lose weight, just to jumpstart finally getting back in the gym for the first time since high school. Probably the most miserable 48 hours ever. I was a total bear to be around. It tasted awful. Plus, I ended…
  • Wow! You look 10 years younger. Congratulations and lookin' good! ;)
  • I would have a pot of coffee for breakfast. For lunch, there was a restaurant near where I worked that delivered and had the BEST cheese fries I've ever had. It had tons of cheese and bacon on it and was served with a huge side of ranch. I'd have that about 3-4 times a week. I was 19 and didn't know how to cook, so dinner…
  • A few months ago, I didn't drink for about 2 and half months solid. I didn't notice physical differences as much as the mental clarity and the obvious benefits to not experiencing a hangover in the morning. After the 2.5 months of no alcohol, I started drinking again on occasion but the occasions have become fewer and…
  • I have all items to start the 24 day challenge, but can someone help me with what to take and when? It just came in a box with zero instruction!
  • This isn't a "big physical transformation", but I think it's funny that I weighed the exact same in the before and after picture. This is exactly why I hardly ever step on the scale, if at all. Measuring inches lost is more accurate, at least for me.
  • I love to juice! Some of my "must have" fruits and vegetables are: spinach, kale, cucumber, celery, apples (green and red), lemons, carrots, broccoli, strawberries, ginger, oranges and sweet potatoes. I don't have any "recipes", I just toss in whatever I have on hand. I try to keep everything as vegetable based as possible…
  • I've never done zumba, so I can't really comment on what's a typical burn or not but I'll admit I get raised eye brows when I see people log super large burns for that activity. But eh, it is what it is. If they are lying, they are only cheating themselves.
  • I'll admit, I get judgey in the grocery store. The other day, I was shopping and couldn't help but notice a couple who were both extremely overweight. The entire bottom shelf of their cart was 24 packs of Mountain Dew, root beer, and cherry Coke. A quick glance into their cart and I saw capri suns, Hungry Man frozen…
  • I suppose it depends on what kind of use that you're wanting to get out of it. A FitBit is an "activity tracker" meant to be worn all day, so you can track your overall activity and movement on a day-to-day basis. A HRM would typically be worn during exercise only and tracks your calories burned based on your your heart…
  • The husband and I had pregnancy "scare" (not really a scare, but I was late and wanted to know) so I went to purchase a pregnancy test, which is already slightly awkward in itself. While ringing me up, the male cashier got to the tests and actually asked, "So are you hoping for a positive or negative?" I was completely…
  • Morning work-outer right here! About three months ago you probably couldn't pay me $1,000 to get up early and work out. But, I started a new job that has unpredictable hours and after about a week of missing workouts, I knew what I had to do. It was rough at first. I think I was in bed by 8:00 PM the whole first month…
  • One of my biggest struggles was learning to be kind to myself. If a friend or loved one told you that they've lost X amount of weight or inches, you would likely NEVER respond with, "yeah, but you're still fat" or "you still have disgusting thighs/huge hips/flabby arms/ect"...so why is it okay to say such things to…
  • Wow! That's an incredible difference! You look fantastic! :)
  • Yep, I'm right there with you! I swear, I only gain weight from the waist down. :grumble: However, I started lifting heavy about two months ago, and I'm seeing the best results I've ever had with any workout routine. Squats and dead lifts are my best buddies right now. My butt still has a long way to go, but that's a whole…
  • I agree about the over-use of 'sabotage'. Nobody is secretly feeding me Christmas cookies and egg nog without my knowing...THAT would be sabotage. Some people just associate the happiness, love, and togetherness of the holidays with food. Or they just plain use it as an excuse to over eat. Either way, I'm an adult and I…
  • I am 5'7". Over the years I've weighed as little as 117 lbs and as much as 150 lbs. The last two months I've started focusing less on cardio and more on strength training and I'm learning that I really could care less what I weigh. I'm currently about 132 pounds, but I look better now than when I was strictly running this…
  • I didn't necessarily need to lose weight, but it had been a long time since I had been in the gym and I definitely had more things jiggling than I preferred, lol. I decided enough was enough when I started avoiding getting dressed/undressed in front of my husband. I've never been an insecure person, and it made me feel…
  • I really dislike the phrasing "cheat day" and "cheat meal". It implies I'm doing something bad, which I'm not. As someone else said, this is real life and sometimes a craving just has to be satisfied. I do my best to keep my indulgences to a reasonable amount, but meh... stuff happens sometimes.
  • I could have written that word for word about 2 years ago. I have always been pretty lean and lanky without much effort, but when I met my then boyfriend (now husband) and got really comfortable, I ended up gaining about 12 lbs and a few pant sizes. So eventually, I cleaned up my diet and started working out. Once I…