

  • I am a mom of four. Meal times can be a challenge since my husband is away working a lot. I have to get creative with fun easy meal ideas. Would love to swap ideas! My kids are 18, 17, 16 and 10.
  • Thanks! I really appreciate the comments and I do stick to one scale. I also have a Wii and have My Fitness Coach on it that does not require the Wii fit and it was on $19... It is a great workout and you can choose pilates, yoga, cardo, strength training etc. It is a lot of fun. Just something different. I am really…
  • The pic idea works because I picked my fattest looking pic and posted as my profile pic. That way everytime I log in I see it. I am down 7 pounds since Tuesday which is not going to be typical, but it gave me a nice jump start. I worked out this week and ate better and kept up with my journal. As a reward,I treated myself…
  • Very cute! Thanks for sharing!:tongue:
  • I think with journaling, you just have to remember to be honest. I write down everything I put in my mouth. I have to be honest with my self to succeed. I am an emtional eater too so I know exactly where you are coming from. Stay strong and remember everyone here is on a journey to better health. Dont beat yourself up when…
  • I am new too and today is my first day! I wish you success and can't wait to hear how My fitness pal works for you!