

  • Make sure that the 1200 calories that you are taking in are all proactive ones. Load up on the low cal veggies that give you tons of vitamins and watch the breads. I work out 6 days a week, and it has taken a while, but I am finally getting my eating on track. You should never eat less than 1200, and you can add more with…
  • Oh your post broke my heart!!! Yes, yoga is difficult. I have a shoulder injury and have to modify positions so that I don't make it worse. I fell out of a pose yesterday because I was so concentrated on staying focused that I didn't realize that I was leaning very badly to the right. IT HAPPENS. Biggest thing to remember…
  • Have you tried measuring your fat? Its ok to gain weight as long as it is good weight.
  • I do yoga at least 4 times a week. 3 of the 4 are also mixed with Pilates. Being Military they like to make us run at least 3 times a week and depending on who is leading the session it can be between a half mile to 4 miles. We also do a ton of situps, jumping jacks, and pushups on those days. And I am starting to get into…
  • LOL I wish I was this focused! Actually I am not that bad. Its the holidays and we are on split shifts, so there is NOTHING to do right now.
  • LOL I am horrible about being on this site,, GOOGLE, and yahoo at work. At home (the reason for my house being a mess) I cannot get off pinterest.
  • LOL My husband proposed to me in bed by asking it hypothetically. Then we went ring shopping a month before we were married (court house). Now I am in the process of planning our big wedding - which is in April.
  • Hey I am right there with you!!! Height: 5'2" SW: 143 lbs CW: 140 lbs (ok not with you on this point, but trying to be) GW: 115-120 BF: 13.5-14% (Goal)
  • LOL I know right!? I went to a nutritionist to try to learn how to eat better and she gave me a whole bunch of recipes and menu's and pretty much everything.... I just have to go buy the food and make it. That is where my biggest downfall is. I dont like preparing it and taking it with me. So it sits uneatten until it goes…
  • I am sooooo right there with you. I am stuck here, no real good options for food. Oh and we have a snackfund full of crap right next door. I am trying my best to bring snacks from home, but I live far from work, and to be honest, we hate grocery shopping. I only have 17 calories left for the day and we were planning a nice…
  • Your post is truely motivational. I really hope I can reach the point you did, both mentally and physically. Sadly I am not there yet, but reading this has got me motivated to go back to the gym tonight! Thank you for sharing!!
  • I saw the best little inspriational picture on Pinterest (a great place to find healthy meals, work out plans, stuff for the house, pretty much anything...) and it said "Don't reward yourself with food, you are not a dog." Sure we all want that cookie or brownie, but I am not going to work out so I can eat it. I am going…
  • What's your name? Nicole Where do you live? Dover AFB, DE What are your food vices/ cheats? Ice Cream. Cant get away from it!! What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? Ice Cream! And motivation. What's your favorite exercise? I am getting into lifting, but I really am trying to convince myself…