dnt3v Member


  • AMEN to that! :)
  • Always up for new friends and extra support! :)
  • I'd love to join! Also, everyone feel free to add me as a friend! I love supporting MFP buddies :) SW: 148 GW: 140 So I have 8 lbs to lose, but it's the last 8 so I'm sure it'll be tough enough! Especially over the holiday season. Just means I need to be more conscious of what I'm putting in my body.
  • It sounds silly but I agree with knitting 100% There's no way to eat when you knit. I started knitting in high school and dropped 20 lbs just from not having time to snack. haha. Also, stay out of the house! It's harder to boredom snack when you're not home.
  • Don't be too rough on yourself. Everybody has a rough day or two! For me, it's entire rough weekends. lol. Just as long as you get back on track and work twice as hard, it'll be ok. And remember, it's more about a lifestyle change than losing weight! :)
  • When I gain I don't log it. I use the old number as motivation to get back on track :)
  • Hi everybody! I'm starting ripped in 30 today. Not so sure of how much different that is from 30 day shred, but I'm psyched. My goal is to lose between 5-10 lbs in the next month. Count me in!
  • Hey! Feel free to add me for support as well! :)
  • LOVE this! Think I'm making it my new screen saver.
  • haha. I've been using MFP for months and still had absolutely no clue what this meant. Thanks for posting this question!
    in NSV? Comment by dnt3v July 2012
  • Looooove this post! Congrats, girl! God is most definitely good!!!! :) Your hubby is gonna be very proud and surprised.
    in LOOK (pics) Comment by dnt3v June 2012
  • Same here! If I can lose another 10lbs before next month is over that would be perfect, since my brother is getting married in August and I don't want to look like a bum. I've recently tried to give up sweets (as of today. haha) and could seriously use some support. I've been trying to log in everyday and love commenting…
  • I'm only trying to lose 15 more lbs, but feel free to add me! I'm on here everyday. The more friends, the better the support :)
  • I was going to take a "rest" day today. This inspired me to get off my *kitten*! Thanks! lol. I was MUCH needed and appreciated. You are awesome for posting it! :)
  • Welcome! I'm trying to get back into the swing of MFP, but I love the site and giving support! Everyone feel free to add me! :)
  • The best thing about MFP is the support! :) Good luck!
  • I'm 23 and looking to lose 10-15 more pounds at least. Everyone feel free to add me! The more support the better! :)
  • Hi! I'm about 5-5- 5'6 and 156 (as of now). My goal is to get down to at least 145, which is how much I weighed in high school. I want to lose more, but I'm trying to take baby steps. haha. My brother is getting married in August and one of my best friends in March of next year so I can totally relate to wanting to look…