BcozIcan Member


  • Don't really know about the couch to 5K, but many swear by it. After cancer treatment, I started 'running' (shuffling) two minutes at at time and just kept building up. Nine months after completing treatment, I ran a half marathon (very slowly). Anyone can be a runner. It's just one foot after the other --and a healthy…
  • Week's been a bit odd, but chugging away. Tomorrow is bike/run day will continue to chip away at it.
  • Just found this thread. I'm starting training for a mini Sprint Triathlon, so am keeping my running to 50 miles in June. Ran a 10K yesterday, so taking it easy today.
  • I like the Livestrong site for general fitness ideas, but arm exercises in particular: http://www.livestrong.com/arm-exercises/
    in arm fat Comment by BcozIcan June 2012
  • Great job! Made my 50 for May. Now on to 60 for June!
  • How's everyone doing? Haven't seen any posts in a while. I'm wondering if anyone else who went through radio-therapy has trouble with chest/respiratory infections. Seems like every time I get a cold it goes that way. Just wondered.
  • In case no one answered the ticker questions, I just went to TickerFactory,com and it gives you the code to paste in.
  • Hullo! I'd like to join in and set a challenge of 50 miles for myself. I'm only going to count the running miles. It's the second week of my 10K training program.
  • Congratulations to everyone for fighting the good fight! I'm a breast cancer survivor from what I like to call the 'Class of 2010'. I was 4 months pregnant when diagnosed with stage 3, 4.5 months pregnant when they took the lump and all my lymph nodes. When the did the extensive testing on the nodes they found that I also…
  • Hullo. I have a Suunto and have similar problems with losing connection. Of course, I have the cheaper of the two chest strap versions. And it eats batteries. They are really pricey and I actually find that I just tend to use the estimates that this site gives for various exercise more often than not. Hope that helps.
    in hrm Comment by BcozIcan April 2012