sarafer1 Member


  • Hello! My name is Sara and I'm 11 days post op from RNY. All is fine so far, but struggling a bit to get the hang of what I should be eating!
  • Thanks all for your insightful responses! I am 11 days post op from RNY and all is great so far! I feel totally good about my decision! I know several people have said that you would not take as many vitamins with VSG, however, my clinic/surgeon recommends/requires the same for either procedure so for me that ended up not…
  • How do you guys adjust your schedule for vacations or days missed? I'm going out of town Wed-Sun...I have a plan and will bring my dvds with, but there will be a lot of us staying in my sister's house, so not sure I'll be able to stick to the schedule. We will be active- walking and playing outside, but wanted ideas for…
  • Got up early 4:45!! Did Fire 45 EZ and Stretch 10. LOVE the Fire 45 workouts!!
  • It will- it's great. My suggestion- find another beginners yoga pose that's approximately 30-40 min and see if that helps until you get comfortable with the poses and your body gets used to holding stretches, etc. Rodney Yee makes some good beginner yoga DVDs.
  • Do you have workout plans for after TurboFire?
  • Good for you! I'm just on week 2, as are a few others!
  • My new goal is morning workouts...but that's about 4:45 am for the longer workouts, so we'll see if I can stick to it. I work 4x10 days, so I don't get home until 6pm most nights and by the time I get my son to bed it's 8. I think the morning workouts would free up my evening. Plus, I haven't been sleeping well since I…
  • I have the old schedule, but just ordered mine last week. Strange- I wonder if they also had a deluxe version with that Fire Starter DVD?
  • I didn't quite get how to use the resistance band for the Core 20. Personally, I LOVED the stretch 40- but I have been doing yoga for years and it felt good for me. I may have to search out another ab dvd to use because it didn't do much for me either!
  • Did my Fire 45 this morning...will do Stretch 10 before bed tonight!
  • Core 20 + Stretch 40 done! LOVED that yoga workout. I'm a huge yoga fan, so such a plus to have that worked into this program!
  • Hi All! I'm new to this group. Just started TurboFire on Thursday (so day 3). I have been doing Turbo Jam for years and am really trying to lose a serious amount of weight, but was getting bored with TJ. I'm at 232 pounds and find it painfully slow to lose weight. I will take measurements today so I can have that to track…
  • MOVING COMFORT FIONA! I'm also 42DD and it is the best bra I have EVER worn. I do high intensity cardio and my boobs stay right where they should :)
  • Thanks everyone for sharing!
  • Congrats everyone! So fantastic to see :)
  • I completely know what you are going through! I have a two year old...and it's so life altering (good and bad, I can be honest). I had lost 55 pounds before getting pregnant and then gain almost 70 during pregnancy. After delivery I lost a lot of fluid and it wasn't so bad, but then I went back to work (to a job I hated)…
  • That's a good idea about measuring...I haven't done that yet.
  • We moved from CO to WY where we didn't know anyone. Granted I do have my husband, but it's really hard to get to know people...Sorry to hear you're having a tough time!
  • The best I've found are the Pure Protein bars. They do have sugar alchohol's in them and I can taste that in certain flavors, but really, really like them othewise. 20 grams of protein and I think around 180-200 cals per full size bar.
  • You can also check your local library for dvds. I frequently check-out various exercise dvds. While that may not be a long-term solution, it would give some variety and you can also decide to purchase them if you really like it. There's also the Couch to 5K which is free and can be done outside if that's possible for you.…
  • I love all of this (the NSV and the nap-time)!
  • Thanks for the response! I had lost 50 pounds before getting pregnant...then gained it all...and continued to gain after giving birth (I obviously lost some, but after returning to work it started coming back). It's a crazy thing that happens when you have a baby. Add that to all of the emotions and it's tough to be…