maberdine Member


  • I like to have a mix of protein and carbs before a workout. I usually have a couple of boiled eggs and a piece of fruit. That seems to give me good sustained energy.
  • Do you have a desk job? If so, try standing at your desk. If that isn't feasible, then sitting on a yoga ball is a good core workout throughout the day.
  • Two thoughts. 1. Make sure you are well hydraded before you start running. 2. Warm up well. Start with a brisk walk then progress to a slow run before hitting your pace. I had similar problems when I first started running. This was the advise I got from a co-worker who runs marathons and it solved the problem for me. Good…
  • I have the same thing almost every day. A little boring maybe, but it is really tasty and pretty healthly. I have greek yogurt with berries and granola and two boiled eggs. I boil a dozen eggs on Sunday evenings and eat them for breakfast all week. I usually go out for breakfast one day/week so I only need six days worth…
  • As you can see from my post count, I very seldom reply. Usually because someone has already said what I was going to say, so what's the point?
  • I am alone for Thanksgiving this year. I've actually been looking forward to it. I've been working soooo much lately I'm excited to have an entire day to myself. I bought a small turkey breast that I'm going to roast, mostly so I can make leftover turkey sandwhiches. That is the best part of Thanksgiving dinner in my…
  • Definetly get your shoes checked out. When I started running I got really bad shin splints. My doctor told me to take a couple of weeks off running. I went to a running store and they put me on a treadmill and filmed me running. I had a pronation (sp?) when I ran. My feet rolled inwards as I ran. They picked some shoes to…