Anyone else alone for Thanksgiving??



  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    me too.

    no pumpkin pie for me today.

  • Syirrus
    I'm alone for Thanksgiving. It's strange. I feel let down by someone I am dating and a good friend that they didn't even invite me along. Oh well, these feelings I'm having are temporary I suppose.
  • maberdine
    maberdine Posts: 8 Member
    I am alone for Thanksgiving this year. I've actually been looking forward to it. I've been working soooo much lately I'm excited to have an entire day to myself. I bought a small turkey breast that I'm going to roast, mostly so I can make leftover turkey sandwhiches. That is the best part of Thanksgiving dinner in my opinion! I'm also going to kick back and enjoy 3 back to back to back football games.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I'm alone. Just moved across the country, and any acquainatancey friendships I've made -- they flew out for Thanksgiving. I bought champagne, and little flavored "toppers" and rim sugar, gluten-free pumpkin cheesecake, and sushi.

    Also, the whole Harry Potter series. I might go for a walk...
  • Syirrus
    I'm alone. Just moved across the country, and any acquainatancey friendships I've made -- they flew out for Thanksgiving. I bought champagne, and little flavored "toppers" and rim sugar, gluten-free pumpkin cheesecake, and sushi.

    Also, the whole Harry Potter series. I might go for a walk...

    I'm in the same boat. I have one good friend that lives here and well, he had some family emergency. I'm not sure what to do with myself. I looked into volunteering at a soup kitchen, though it seems they are filled with volunteers. Anyway, I think I will spend some time working.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I'm alone. Just moved across the country, and any acquainatancey friendships I've made -- they flew out for Thanksgiving. I bought champagne, and little flavored "toppers" and rim sugar, gluten-free pumpkin cheesecake, and sushi.

    Also, the whole Harry Potter series. I might go for a walk...

    aww man. if i had known you'd be alone i'd have invited you up for a potluck i'm going to with friends.

    i spent last year alone since i had just relocated and i didnt know anyone and couldnt afford to go back home. i decided at the last minute (thanksgiving eve :laugh: ) that i was going to make thanksgiving dinner for myself. considering i couldnt cook, most of the dishes were terrible, only like 25% of the turkey wasnt burnt but i had a good time trying to figure stuff out.
  • Jonesie86
    Jonesie86 Posts: 446 Member
    Well, I too am in the middle of nowhere, finalizing my divorce in two weeks - same week as finals in college, living with the parents and my two little ones so those are the only members of family I will be seeing :)

    Enjoy the day though and just eat something good haha ;)
  • HuskyMan3
    HuskyMan3 Posts: 527 Member
    I guess I am not really alone. I have my 3 dogs. But as far as human companionship, it is just me, myself and I. but we did have a great meal. I made a turkey, mashed potatos and green beans. Now we all need a nap
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I have very little family, and I was military for 20 years and always away from home, so I'm used to being alone on Thanksgiving. I actually enjoy the day. This morning, I did a 5K power walk with my neighborhood group for Thanksgiving Turkey Trot. Then I power washed the front porch and did some laundry.

    I always do a "real" Thanksgiving dinner every year. I love turkey, so I cooked up a big one, along with a yam with butter and a little brown sugar, green bean casserole, stuffing, gravy, corn, and sauerkraut (weird, I know, but I'm from a German family and it's one of our traditions). The leftovers will feed me for days, and I can always use the turkey for soups, lunches, etc. This weekend, I'm going to use the carcass and drippings to make homemade turkey stock. I'll freeze it and use it for months.

    I ate around 4, and just finished a piece of pecan pie. A little later, I'll have a piece of my homemade chocolate cream pie, then go to sleep. I have to be up early for work tomorrow, so no wine this year, but that's OK. There always Friday night!

    I over-indulged a bit, but it's one day a year, so I don't worry about it. That's what the gym is for! Use this opportunity to start your own traditions. It's fun to come up with your own favorite Thanksgiving rituals. Hope you had a great day!