

  • I am not sure how much weight you have lost, but when you are heavier you tend to "slump" and your sholders "sag". Once you lose weight, you stand up much straighter. Hence... "gaining" a few inches in height.
  • It is so much easier to lose weight in the beginning and you do feel like it is just falling off. That is because most of it is water weight (bloating). After you lose this, you then find that you have to really work in order to lose the rest of it. I have lost 42 pounds so far (in 4 months); the first 30 pounds came off…
  • You need to work out your arms one day and your legs the other day. You are lifting everyday, just not using the same muscels. Do cardio at least three times a week, but I would recommend giving your body one full day a week to rest and recover.
  • Way to go!!! You are very furtunate...
  • Read other posts and request to be their friend. There are tons of people on here who are great at being supportive and helpful! Go for it!!!
  • Remember, seveal things effect your weight loss. What type of work outs are you doing? What type of diet are you on? Try doing cardio workouts to lose body fat. Eat whole grains with plenty of fresh fruits and veggies and drink plenty of water (no diet sodas or anything with sugar or artificial sugars.) Stay away from…
  • Do it NOW!!! Don't wait!!! I was in a similar situation... I was a three sport athlete, player soccer in college, then got married and began a family. Once my kids were in school, I returned to work full time and the weight began to add on. I am now 43, my kids are grown and I am finally getting my health (weight loss and…
  • I am 43 and have been on this journey for 3 months and have lost 39 pounds so far. Feel free to add me...
  • I have been on this site for about 3 weeks and have been on my journey for about 3 months. I have lost 39 pounds so far and this site has been great. I am always looking for new friends to encourage and share with. Any of you can feel free to add me as a friend...
  • Hi Liz! I was "stuck" for a few weeks as well and then started losing again. Yes! I am always looking for new freinds to share with and to help motivate. Feel free to add me...
  • Welcome... I am always looking for friends to share with and to help motivate. I started with a 60 pound journey and have lost 39 lbs so far. I feel so much better and can't wait to reach my goal! Feel free to add me...
  • You have come so far already! Your story is an inspiration to others. Keep up the good work and stay focused. You will always have great support on this site!
  • I work in an environment where I see and hear circumstances like yours regularly. I am always amazed and surprised at how cruel people can be, especially parents. Being a mother of two, I can not imagine not supporting your children. My kids were (and still are) my life. I would do anything for their happiness. It breaks…
  • Eat whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies, lean meats (chicken, turkey, fish) and drink plenty of water. Stay away from the sugar and carbs. Feel free to add me as a friend... Good Luck!
  • Remember that you have to stay healthy (mentally and physically) for yourself and for your children... they need you! Stay active with your children, they are great motivators. Go to the park and play or go for walks or hikes... there are so many things you can do with your children that will be great for all of you! I…
  • set small goals so you don't get discouraged; get yourself into a good routine, find exercies that you enjoy... walk your dog or take your kids to the park for a stroll or a scavenger hunt; make it about becoming a healthier person, not just loosing weight this site is a great tool, people keep you motivated every day
    in New here! Comment by lsang April 2012
  • My husband is italian... so I understand! I started using whole grain pasta for myself and would continue to make him regular pasta. One night we were running late, so he told me to just cook my (whole grain) pasta instead of taking the time to make two different batches. He liked it and told me that was fine with him. Now…
  • Getting started is the hardest part! So you have already accomplished one goal. I am on a 60 pound journey and never thought it was possible, but 2 1/2 months in and I am half way there! You can do it... we all can do it - we have great support and accountablilty here! Feel free to add me as a friend...
  • Most stores have healthy pre-packed snacks, like apple slices with yogurt or carmel, carrots with veggie dip, etc. Pack these or a yogurt instead of chips or chocolate, The sandwich is fine if that is what you like, but use lean meats (chicken or turkey) and whole grain breads. Also try packing a salad and putting the…
  • I am 43 and you are correct... loosing weight is harder than ever before. I enjoy exercising so that has been a plus for me and my weight loss journey. Feel free to add me as a friend. I would love to have friends my own age, going through the same challenges.
  • I am new as well and don't have any friends yet. I am excited about meeting people with the same goals, to receive encouragment and advice and to give it when others need it . Feel free to add me. Good luck!
  • I am new to this site and I am actually pretty shy, so it's hard for me to reach out and ask for friends. After seeing your post it hit me that if you can reach out and make new friends, I can at least try. Thanks! My mom is 71 as well and since I began my new healthy life style, she has been working hard at changing hers…