chris2365 Member


  • Hi, all! I had a slow start to the month. Tried old-fashioned calorie counting and weighing but the results got worse and worse. With my metabolism, I have to eat much, much less than you would think and I get mean and grumpy and feel deprived trying to subsist on 1200-1300 calories a day. So last week I went back to try…
  • Name: Chris Height: 5'7" Starting Weight (3/2): 327.6 Goal Weight (3/29): 314 3/2: 327.6 3/9: 321.5 (much water weight) 3/16: 327.5 3/23: 317 Loss for the week: 10.5 Loss for the month so far: 10.7 Struggles/Successes: It's been an interesting month. I kicked things off planning on a plain Jane plan on counting calories,…
  • For some reason I can't see to edit my existing post (I can't find where to edit), so here's an update: Newbie here. Name: Chris (female) Height: 5'7" Starting Weight (3/2): 327.6 Goal Weight (3/31): 314 3/2: 327.6 3/9: 323.1 3/16: 3/23: 3/30: Loss/gain for the week: 4.5 Loss/gain for the month so far: 4.5 Struggles or…
  • My goals for this week are: 1. Probiotic supplement and yogurt daily 2. Pre-plan next day's food using MFP diary every evening 3. Stop eating at 9 pm 4. No coffee after 9 pm (yes, really) 5. Hit my calorie and fiber goals daily 6. Lights out by 11:30 pm each night 7. Log weight & pulse daily (which is motivating to me) I'm…
  • Newbie here. Name: Chris (female) Height: 5'7" Starting Weight (3/2): 327.6 Goal Weight (3/31): 314 3/2: 327.6 3/9: 3/16: 3/23: 3/30: Loss/gain for the week: Loss/gain for the month so far: Struggles or successes of your week:
  • It's been mentioned before in this thread, but pre-planning my snacks/meals is really a game-changer for me. I budget my calories based on when I want to eat. For me, it's breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack (3 pm is a killer for boredom eating), dinner, and dessert. Once I allocated my calories amongst those, I sat down and…
  • I think you probably answered your own question. While some people do very well eating on a more erratic schedule, you may have found that having a consistent predictable schedule is best for your body (and mind!). I don't know how you can get there with your work schedule, but you may just have to set some alarms on your…
  • Yowsers, PikaKnight, didn't mean to make you mad. I indicated 'a' not 'the.' I'm stepping down from the topic, not fond of the drama. I should have just stuck with the party line that this might work for some, not others (but some people may want to give it a chance).
  • For another perspective, check out this blog post: Note, the article comes from a religious site, but the blog post is pertinent to everyone (the comments get a little deep into the other side, as my agnostic saw).
  • Sure, you can game any food plan. That means you're probably not ready to lose weight. I've read up on the plan and as some others have mentioned, it makes sense. It goes back to a simple way of eating that allows you to practice moderation without a bunch of time-consuming rules and calculations. Some people thrive on the…
  • And a toned body just looks better. You need not worry about bulking up, you'd have to do massive amounts of training a week (and have the correct genetics) to do that. True, weight training doesn't burn as many calories as some things when you're doing it, but a body that has more muscle burns more calories a day. That…
  • I need to do this - I'm in starting right this moment. Coffee, water, ice tea (unsweetened), and the occasional diet soda only. NO ALCOHOL.
  • I'm not sure counseling will help him change his behavior but it would help you figure out what's best for you. If you're going to school, there's often free or low-cost counseling available through there. As for not wanting to get divorced again because you've already been divorced twice, that's no good. It's like taking…
  • OK! Another reason to join in the challenge. (No, that's not me, but you know, I could see it happening.)
  • I'm officially in menopause since June (one year without periods) and I'm 47-1/2! I didn't have a regular doctor (since we moved to a different city) and just rode through the symptoms, which weren't horrible. A little grumpier than usual sometimes and with the occasional power surge (hot flash). I think I was pretty…
  • Around 1600-1700 a day. I haven't been exercising much while I get my eating under control, but when I do, I'll probably eat about 1/3 of my exercise calories in addition.
  • Joining late - but need the motivation! Starting weight (July 16): 295 1st week weight (July 23): 295 2nd week weight (July 30): 284 3rd week weight (August 6): 4th week weight (August 13): 5th week weight (August 20): 6th week weight (August 27):
  • I'm 100%. My weight gain over the last three years has been accompanied by a step up in my drinking. Compounding the alcohol calories is the fact that I (a) eat more when I drink and (b) am lazier and don't get in as much exercise, then the pleasures of a drink (or 3 or 5) are not worth it.
  • Go to and click on Fitness. There's a workout generator that has some great workouts (dumbbells or balance ball or gym or body weight, etc.), all for free.
  • Thomas Edison's quote is perfect: “I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work” So figure out what you need. Do you need to be able to have chocolate every day? Do you need to be able to eat at night? Do you need to have popcorn at the movie theater? Figure out what your must-haves are and trust me, there's a…
  • I want to be the opposite - better off in my 40s than ever before. I was heavy all my life (childhood on). About 5 years ago, I lost most of the excess weight but derailed myself during a stressful time (opening my husband's restaurant, his sudden passing 5 days before opening - not fun). But I'm picking myself up, dusting…
  • Just a quick point on the running and bone density. Moderation is the key. From Livestrong: 'Performing weight-bearing exercises that include running can lead to significant increases in your bone density. However, if you run too much, you can actually decrease your bones' mineral content and increase your health risks.…
  • If I'm REALLY on track, I pre-log so that I can budget my calories well. I make sure that I spread my calories out over the day, hit my fiber goal, etc. It also makes me really look at how I'm spending my calories so that I'm eating really delicious, satisfying food. After doing today's foods, I really think that I should…
  • My big goal weight is 180. I got there about 5 years ago and I'm such a pear-shape that I wore a 10/12 on the bottom and extra-small on the top. We'll see how I feel when I get to 180. I'm pretty muscle-y, so I just don't know. Really, I just want to feel healthy and strong.
  • I'm a widowed mom w/two boys, 8 and 11. When they were smaller and I was much more fit, I would do DVDs (trying not to kick the 4-year old little one). They figure it out soon enough. And you're not taking time from them, you're giving their kids a grandma by keeping yourself healthy. And all kids are different but my kids…
  • Check out this site: What's nice is that he backs up the theory with serious medical studies, not some of the bogus 'studies' you'll see at fad sites. As long as it's controlled and short-term, you're not going to trash your metabolism as is one unsupported theory.
  • If a guy cares, he's not the right guy. But truly what others have indicated, the right guys like women who are comfortable and happy with themselves, even with a few pounds. Having your partner dash to turn out the lights, cover themselves during romantic time, etc. - that's the turnoff. Pretty much be assured that most…
  • I love, love,love my FitBit. I also think that the way it syncs my walking activity to this site is awesome. It's more than worth the money.