

  • I enter it as "low imapacr aerobics". My Zumba instructor wears an arm monitor and we have compared numbers and it is fairly close.
  • I have RA and do Zumba and Kickboxing. You just need to modify it to what you can do. The Zumba especially has improved my mobility a great deal.
  • I count it as "low impact" aerobics... since I have to modify a little bit. I seems to be somewhat on track with the heart monitor my instructor uses during class, who also uses MFP. I burn on average about 1100 calories for 100 minutes. Enter it as high impact aerobics to give yourself an idea of what your burning. Hope…
  • I agree with erickirb.. he is correct. Your body adapts to your everyday level of activity. Thats why even with cardio and strength training you must switch it up, becausr your body adapts.
  • I have lost 150 lbs and have about 130 to go in order to meet my recommended BMI... but I feel great now. Take it in small increments. Dont look at it as "200lbs to loose" . Take it 25lbs at a time. Get involved with an exercise group. I know that Zumba seems like it is just for girls, but it is not. It will get your heart…