

  • progress is progress! and that's an adorable dress :)
  • omg.....I'm in food-love! great board!
  • IF as well as keto? You've got strength :laugh: I've nixed whey protein powder. It tastes totally awful to me, makes my throat close up a bit, and has wayyy more net carbs than I am comfortable with. As the poster above said, it CAN kick you out of keto, but everyone's experiences are different. I find that if I eat a tin…
  • I SHOULD be doing cardio to supplement...I really should. But I'm not. Sorry, I hate cardio with a passion and since my workout buddy is sick, I sorta fell off the cardio wagon there. Don't go overboard with the benchpress, if you increase your weight regularly as you're supposed to, you'll get there :happy: To be honest I…
  • Really? That's strange. Fish oil tends to make my skin clear up for some reason. I take 2 per day.
  • Hopefully it will! It'd be a shame to lose weight and get all sexified but not actually WANT anything. :cry:
  • @Bassejm0 Blue Diamond does indeed have salt and vinegar flavoured almonds...but I was scared to try them since the package says that the flavourings are totally artificial. Not sure I wanna try it and then find out it has a weird aftertaste or anything. In relation to the topic, I think my fave easy keto snack is…
  • Haha @Stubbula I think I'm probably as paranoid(?) as OP so I don't think I could really HAPPILY eat a bowl of soup with 11g carbs. That's like half my daily allowance right there. I think your lite version (ie. without the onions) sounds pretty doable. Will try it.
  • I haven't really noticed a drop in my libido since I started keto. Then again I'm on the CKD as opposed to SKD which I think most people doing keto follow. I only really notice a drop on like...the first or second days after my carb loading days. But then I'm just generally grumpy overall when my glycogen drops during that…
  • This sounds really interesting. I did a pushup challenge three years ago and failed miserably >__< so I'm looking forward to trying this one. Hopefully I'll be able to complete it with modified pushups!
    in The Goal Comment by str1ddy May 2013