Ladies doing Stronglifts 5x5

Hi ladies! Been doing SL 5x5 for a few months now, and feel like I'm progressing ok (I'm not necessarily increasing my weight EVERY time), except in my bench press, which seems a bit wimpy still! I feel like I should be pressing more, but I have no frame of reference since I'm the only woman I know doing the program. Just curious about your progress with the program and where you are currently in your lifts! And also, are you noticing changes in body fat/composition since starting, and are you doing cardio to supplement? How much?

Thanks in advance!


  • str1ddy
    str1ddy Posts: 10
    I SHOULD be doing cardio to supplement...I really should. But I'm not. Sorry, I hate cardio with a passion and since my workout buddy is sick, I sorta fell off the cardio wagon there.

    Don't go overboard with the benchpress, if you increase your weight regularly as you're supposed to, you'll get there :happy:

    To be honest I haven't been keeping track of my body fat, I'm horrible with the callipers and I swear I'll measure the same site 3 times and get 3 different measurements. Using strength as a marker though...2 months in and I've definitely progressed. When I started, squatting 75lbs was a struggle, but I'm at 125lbs now and still progressing happily.
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    Hi there--this is a really good active group. There are lots of ladies there in all stages of stronglifts -

    I've been doing it since March; just finished week 12 last week. I've lifted weights in some form or other off and on for 20 years, so I wasn't starting from zero, but I had never really stuck to a plan before.
  • JodieP13
    JodieP13 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm not increasing every time either. But I am progressing. I finally need to move to the Olympic bars instead of the fix weight barbells (because I can't lift them off the rack anymore for squats and deadlifts) I take that as progress. However my bench is still stuck at 75. :ohwell: