

  • I'm recovering from two knee surgeries as well. My second, two cartilege implants, takes 18 months to recover from. The best exercises I have found for cardio and strength are stationary bikes and treadmills. I personally can't use the elliptical because my knee is unable to take such a great amount of weight coming down…
  • Way to go! You look fantastic.
  • I love mushrooms. I mostly eat the white button and baby bellas (crimini). I'll steam them with squash/zucchini/broccoli, slice them raw in a salad, or load down my pasta with them (not a big ground beef eater, so they make a great meat substitute in spaghetti). I have plans to try using the big bella caps as substitutes…
  • Before I lost weight the first time, I was a DD and I had a flat, saggy behind. Then I lost almost thirty pounds and went up a cup size and gained a big, perky behind. Now that I'm losing weight again, I'm waiting to see what happens now.
  • It's generally recommended that you should not eat less than 1200 calories a day. Doing so could cause you're body to go into starvation mode where it will break down and digest muscle instead of fat. If you do go below 1200 calories, you shouldn't do it everyday. I know that the few days that I ate less than 1200…
  • The only problem with this is that some people don't have access to high speed internet. I have a cellular mifi card because, where I live in BFE, all we have is dial-up. Satellite isn't even real high speed. If the entertainment industry wants to move to digital downloads, they need to get with all of the telegraph…
  • Despite the fact that he was so easy to defeat in Arkham Asylum, he's definitely my fave, too. I grew up watching Caesar Romero and Mark Hamill voicing the animated Joker, so by default, I love him as a villain in a game and otherwise.
  • Hey, I'm Jessica, an almost-30-year-old who is 5'5", 183 pounds and looking to drop to at least a nice 145. I am a total geek/nerd/dork/dweeb and make no apologies for it. I "embrace it proudly, without fear!" (Bonus points if you know the character and movie that comes from.) I'm a book, movie, music, and game junkie who…