

  • Add me if you'd like. Everyone can use a few more friends to support and motivate them.
  • Add me if you like, we can all always use more supportive people to help us in the journey.
  • I'm not sure I can correct the problems that made me this way... so perhaps that in itself is the problem. I now have very wonderful supportive people in my life and I know that they are not the problem. I envy your awesome attitude.... some days I have a great one... today not so much but that is the way I cycle through.
  • . Glad that venting made you feel better. It's the same with me though it's always something. I'm uncomfortable with any compliment and when I am thin am uncomfortable with any attention I get. I just need to accept that I have issues that I will probably always have.
  • I agree, water weight. I always gain a couple pounds around that time of month and then it goes away after. Try not to worry about the weight fluctuations around that time of the month. Avoiding the scale until next week wouldn't be a bad idea either.
  • Personally I have found that drinking more than 8 oz a day has helped me. I was addicted to Pepsi... gave it up cold turkey 9 months ago. Not only did that remove a lot of empty calories from my diet it simply made me feel better. I found that a lot of my tummy issues went away when the pepsi did. Drinking water has helped…
  • Feel free to add me if you'd like. I can always use supportive encouraging friends... and return the same
  • I tend to weigh myself every morning when I'm getting dressed. Weight does flucuate so much, even throughout the day that I would almost swear the scale is the devil sometimes. I always try to convince myself that I should only weigh myself once a month and focus on the weekly measurments rather than the numbers but I…
  • Hi Alyssa and welcome to MFP. You will find a lot of supportive people here. Friend me if you would like to. Good luck!
    in I'm New Comment by chelle2868 May 2012
  • Thanks all. Perhaps I just need to try a few different things and find what works for me. I agree that the few times I have used the ab glider it seemed to work my arms more than my abs. I already do some weights with my arms so that is not what I need it for. Perhaps old fashioned crunches are the way to go.
  • Thanks! I started this journey in July of last year and lost almost all of it in the first 5 months. It's really been a struggle to stay motivated to exercise, life always seems to get in the way (especially when I am dealing with an ornery almost 3 year old all day)
  • Thanks all! I think I got friend requests out. I'd love to have all the supportive friends I can get. I try very hard to get on mfp everyday (except for last week when I got married and was off on my honeymoon). I also try to be supportive back with all my friends! Good luck to everyone on their journeys.
  • Great job! You look great! I too hate the torturous scale. I hate how it can add 2 lbs in an hour when I haven't eaten or drank anything. I don't think I will every understand it and I don't believe the rule that if you are under 3500 calories you lose a pound, because it certainly doesn't work that way for me sometimes.…
  • Adding you, I'm also pretty new here so I would also appreciate any new friends for motivation and encouragement. Good luck to you in your journey :smile:
  • I have a cousin who uses it on her phone. I was using two different online sites for tracking, one for calories and one for exercise, but I wasn't happy with either. I came and checked out MFP, love that I can use it on my Kindle, so here I am :happy:
  • Firstly every persons body and metabolism is different. So you will lose weight differently than her simply based on that fact. Also if hers is a more drastic lifestyle change than yours she will lose more than you in the beginning until her body acclimates to the new lifestyle. Then you also have to consider that you are…