

  • Hello! I am from a small town about 60 miles SW of downtown Chicago and work several times a month in Warrenville, IL and close enough to shop frequently in Naperville.
  • I am restarting; as with most of you I've been on and off this site for several years. I'm almost embarrassed, but not enough to stop trying!! I am 51 years old and would like to lose 50 or more pounds. Frankly, if I could get 10 off and leave it off for a couple of months, I would be ecstatic! Would love some friends to…
  • I turn 50 this summer and have 65 pounds to lose, but frankly getting the first 30 lbs off would be awesome and I know how much better I feel and look! Take a look at my profile and see if you would be interested in adding me as a Friend to help me start a support group. I am happy to send words of encouragement your way…
  • Depending on your start weight and if you are male, you are allowed many more calories than we women! Jenny Craig put my Husband on 1500 and he had good results. Best of luck with your goals!
  • THANK YOU, Booboo78. A picture is always helpful! I had never seen this depicted before.
  • Try getting rid of just the creamer first; many calories add up fast with those little additives. I still have my morning coffee with a packet of Splenda - yes, I worked down to just one too. Then I switched to Diet Caffeine Free pop or water, even the 0 calorie flavored water in the afternoon and night. I just can't drop…
  • You can friend me too because I am having the same problem! Tracking it really brings into perspective just what we are eating and how often we don't realize how quickly those calories add up. Also helps ensure we're getting enough water.
  • Baby steps! I'm obviously not the worlds best at this either, but I can honestly say I try... Do you do a weekly weigh in? If so, try making it Monday morning - makes you think about what's going in your mouth over the weekend. Failure is such a strong word, did you gain 5 pounds over the weekend or just mad at yourself…
  • What a great idea! Keep up the good work. I love it when we can tell we are changing.
  • This is a very old diet plan. I remember my Mother using it to "kick start" a diet as far back as the 60s. If you have the will power, and no allergies to eggs, it really seemed to do the trick! I am not so strong willed. When you return to "regular" eating, keep up the high protein, low carb plan. Don't leave out carbs…
  • sw (when I joined the Challenge): 206.8 gw: 176.8 Today: 206.0
  • :smile: Hooray I found the new link too! Last night I double-dated with my husband and another couple to a NICE restaurant. I was kind of worried I would overeat. Ends up, I had a lot to bring home as my stomach is shrinking and I was able to stop when I was full. My Hubby mentioned I didn't eat, so I showed him what was…
  • Let's do it! Been moving slowly through the changes over the past month. Ready to take it up a notch!
  • Do you have a Wii game console? My daughter and I play with the Wii FIT and have a ball! There is yoga, balance, and cardio all in the setup of the games. Completing certain actions opens more options such as additional yoga moves, a different balance game, etc. Each "game" is 1-3 minutes to begin with, then moves up. I…
  • She's absolutely right - a great way to go. I went on the Scott Connelly diet with my husband when he was diagnosed as diabetic. He created Met RX bars and nutrients. I'm not recommending the diet (as Mr. Connelly's products don't support his writing) BUT I did find out that I personally feel much better with a higher…
  • FIRST WEEK WEIGH IN: Hooray for me! A positive weight loss my first week. Yeah, I know we all usually lose something our first week. But getting past the hump of deciding to do something and then really taking action is such a great feeling! A small sack of potatoes is off my body! I'm ready for week 2 and adding some…
  • First weekly weigh-in tomorrow! I feel good about Week 1 and taking small steps. Week 2 I plan to incorporate more movement; walking, playing with the dogs (2 white german shepherds), and Wii Fit!
  • Sunnee, what are you eating now? As a younger woman, your body has different needs than us older folks. How active are you? Are you a little under or way under? If a little, I wouldn't worry unless you are feeling tired or run-down. If it's way under... this is hard for some people, but consider good old fashioned…
  • Go Gino88! I so agree how helpful having the structure MFP adds. Your ticker proves just what we can do. I HATED going to weekly weigh-ins and having to sit through conversations I had no interest in. This site has some very interesting people and insights I would have missed. So glad to have found it. Thanks for popping…
  • Welcome NYCchica! I recently joined myself (Day 4) and have found this site to be very easy to use and helpful. I have been busy working as two people at my job for many months. The new employee started last week and I'm taking over my life again! I have quite a bit of weight to lose. I hope you do well. Keep Checking In.…
  • LAURA_B: Best wishes to you too! Think in small steps, trying to make too many changes at once is overwhelming and disasterous! Small bites (pun intended). :wink: