it's now or never...

Hey guys while I've been on MFP for about a month I haven't been tracking the way that I'd like to. So, I figured if I can meet some more people then maybe I'll be more modivated to be on here. I'm 21 and live in Stevens Point.

I'm just nervous to really get started since I've never been able to "hold down" a diet plan before.


  • bekihughes
    You can do it girl! We are all here for the same reason! Don't be nervous! Friend me if you like :happy:
  • SpaceMarkus
    The key is to not even diet. "Diet" implies that you're going to eat a certain way for a set period of time, then go back to what you do now. That's how we think of it anyway. You have to completely change your eating habits for life. It sounds really daunting, I know since I was there. But just take it a little at a time and eventually you'll find being healthy is really simple and supe rewarding :)
  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    Hey :) Add me as a friend if you like. Good luck with your journey
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    I told my wife "It's now or never" in 2010 when I regained 20 of the 30 pounds I had previously lost and was less than a year from turning 40! That seems like forever ago now, and being on MFP has helped tremendously! Good luck and God bless on reaching your goals!
  • kassied09
    The key is to not even diet. "Diet" implies that you're going to eat a certain way for a set period of time, then go back to what you do now. That's how we think of it anyway. You have to completely change your eating habits for life. It sounds really daunting, I know since I was there. But just take it a little at a time and eventually you'll find being healthy is really simple and supe rewarding :)

    too true.
  • MsQt
    MsQt Posts: 793 Member
    It's always easier when you have pals on here to provide support. If it wasn't for this site and the friends I have made, I probably would be still at my begging weight. I like that they inspire me to go workout even when I don't feel like it. I'll see some that posted their one mile run and I feel that I could go and do that too and it should be able to take 15mins to do that! I also eat right and learned a lot of it from looking at my pals diaries. I will send you a friend request if you want a supportive friend!:smile:
  • GinaKiss89
    You can friend me too because I am having the same problem! Tracking it really brings into perspective just what we are eating and how often we don't realize how quickly those calories add up. Also helps ensure we're getting enough water.
  • unhappy86
    You can add me if you like. I'm on the same boat..
  • jeaniet1965
    I too have been on MFP for almost a month, lost one pound and have now gained back 4!. I need to do this to get rid of about 35 pounds. I don't feel as good as I used to, I get winded and I just don't feel good about myself.
    Today is a new day and I am starting again and know I have to take this seriously and stick to it. I am trying to get into a new mindset and new habits. I'm an emotional eater and eat when I am really not hungry at all. I need to find something else to fill those empty spaces when I tend to eat while not hungry...WE CAN DO IT!!
  • MsQt
    MsQt Posts: 793 Member
    The key is to not even diet. "Diet" implies that you're going to eat a certain way for a set period of time, then go back to what you do now. That's how we think of it anyway. You have to completely change your eating habits for life. It sounds really daunting, I know since I was there. But just take it a little at a time and eventually you'll find being healthy is really simple and supe rewarding :)

    He said it so right! At first I wasn't thrilled about the change of eating habit but as time went on and I sampled a bit of fastfood, it was an awful taste because I taste buds had gotten to used to clean, lean, and healthy foods. Rewarding is exactly what it is:)
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    You can do it! Don't think of it as a "diet plan" think of it as a permanent change you are making to better your health. Adding friends to keep you accountable will help. I also suggest to tell everyone in your home what you are doing and ask for their help to hold you accountable.

    Good luck! You got this!
  • lpete213
    Thank you all so much for your words of encouragement! I really think that this is what I needed to get a (legit) jump start on losing weight! I'm going to the gym today for the first time this school year...I'm only planning about a half an hour, but I'm going to gradually work up to more than that! Please feel free to add me if you'd like!