

  • I redid my goal. It was one pound a week but then I changed it to one and a half
  • My calorie goal WAS 1500 before I kicked it down to 1320. When it was 1500 I was usually eating my calorie goal and maybe a hundred or two of the calories that I burned from exercise. Should I not have decreased my calorie goal?
  • The best thing I can tell you to do is when you feel stressed go for a walk. Or at the very least get out of the house. Take your kids to the park. Keep yourself busy and away from food if eating is all your doing.
  • Well, for me my job is my daily exercise. However I have found that I am completely useless in the morning unless I have a FULL breakfast. And when I say full I mean big and healthy! When I do my grocery shopping I make sure I always have things in the morning that will fill me up and a few things that I can just grab in…
  • I felt the same way when I started. And I still kind of do but it's getting a bit better. Anyways, one thing I do is I eat carrots and celery, things like that. They're low in calories and are filling. The biggest thing is to keep it SIMPLE. So with that said, my favorite snacks are: string cheese, fruit (apples, oranges,…
  • Well, generally speaking I would say soda in any form is bad. However, I do understand the sugar cravings and the caffeine part. I am a sugar freak. Since I've started using this site every day it tells me I'm either at my sugar limit or way above. I work at 4 am so sometimes caffeine is a must. The one thing I have found…
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