I am wondering if my calorie amount is off too. I used 12-1300 to lose weight the went to 15-1600 a day to maintain. I wonder if that's either too little or too much
Waking up at 3am and eating half a container of ice cream, a fiber bar, and a candy bar- that is my binge! Thank goodness we usually don't have ice cream so if it happens it usually jelly sandwich and yogurt- but if the junk is there and I wake up its trouble
Sugar is so evil! I have the same problem with sugar it feels like a never ending battle! The worst part is if you make yourself not have it you won't stop thinking about until you do. The best thing that has worked for me is trying to have enough willpower(easier said than done) make yourself go without for a wk yes…
Very helpful Fruitninja!! I am going to try that.
I am wondering if it is an increase in bf% - I keep seeing people post that higher body fat can cause someone to look bigger and wear a bigger size. I guess I need to workout more!
Very frustrating
I am 5'4" and felt my best at 122. I was there 6mths ago but sadly gained 7lbs which doesn't seem like a lot but has made a huge difference in clothes and how I feel! Now I am working hard to get back there
I too feel bad when I eat too many carbs. My problem is once I start eating more of them it's hard to drop them down again.
You look so thin! I would say maintaining is all you need not anymore loss!
You look so thin! I would say maintaining is all you need not anymore loss!
5'4" current weight 129- eating between 15-1600 calories a day( although I have bad days with more) age 30 - I had gotten down to 123 from 152 6 mths ago doing low carb and eating 11-1200 a day and I felt amazing, The problem was it was too hard to keep doing - so I gained 6 back and now it Won't come off!
Carbs, sugar, and sodium I've been working with a Dr. for the last 25 days and that is what she told me.