booradleymo Member


  • You can go a long ways with 5 lb weights. A rule of thumb I've heard is if you can do 8-12 repetitions and the last few are a struggle, you know you're using the right amount of weight. I love Jessica Smith's workouts. One thing I have learned is that I need a few different weight options. Three lbs on some moves is more…
  • @wolf39us - Hopefully I can get back into swimming soon! The worst is almost over. :)
  • Awesome! This is exactly the type of thing I was looking for. But the only chair workouts I knew of were the ones my grandma used to do. hahaha!
  • I use both BMI and body fat % to make my weight loss goals. I've used this website to calculate about where I am body fat wise (since I don't own calipers, know how to use them, or want to pay someone to pinch my fat. haha!). It has four different methods of calculating bf% and one calculator that kind of combines all four…
  • The same thing happened with me when I was pregnant with my little guy. I had a job that kept me on my feet a lot and it was hard to want to do anything after work. (I did start commuting to work on my bike, but I realize that that may not be possible for all pregnant ladies depending on distance to work, size of baby…
  • Weight goal for November: Lose between 5-7 lbs. Running goal: Run close to a 9 min/per mile for three miles. Strength goal: Plank everyday and see if I can build up to holding it for 5 minutes or longer! Wish me luck!
  • I found this slideshow in a Huffington Post article that shows what the top ten calorie-burning exercises are. If you can burn 1000 calories swimming for an hour, you obviously know how to push yourself. Look over the list, there might be…
  • @SJCon- Thanks for the leads. Polar and Garmin weren't even on my radar! @brunotolosa - I'll keep an eye out for the Adidas watch. I've heard good things about the Mio. I guess I'll find out in a couple months how good Santa thinks I've been. :) @foxylady522 - Pushing a two-year-old in a stroller on a run is hard core!…
  • Here, here! I second the Nordic (cross-country) skiing. Also, snowshoeing will help you burn a lot of calories. I had to do some research outside of mfp to find an accurate measurement of calories burned snow-shoeing, but it was close to 1000/hour, if you have some uphill and are breaking new ground through freshly fallen…