Gaining weight during pregnancy



  • JayAlexander
    JayAlexander Posts: 268 Member
    Thanks. I'm on day two of logging everything again. Mostly to throw it in my Dr's face since she thinks I'm eating fast food and bon bons all day long. All my stats are good and my measurements are right on. So, I'll just move forward from here. Can't do anything about the weight I've already gained, just have to focus on the health of myself and my child. I'm due in Feb and my wedding is the end of June so I will be busting butt to get back into shape! Thanks again for the support.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I gained the 20lbs before my 6 months, and seemed to have stalled out for a month d/t constantly feeling sick and not hungry. I can tell I'm getting further into the pregnancy though the insulin resistance has kicked into high gear and I've got sugar brain. To the max! I've got to watch that it's so easy for me to just grab a soda when the brain is screaming for it. I'll be comfortable staying this weight.
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    Congratulations on your pregnancy! I would really watch your intake and as much as yoga is good, I feel getting in some good hard cardio and even some weight training will be much more effective to prepare you for the delivery and hault the weight gain. I pushed for 4 hours.....yes 4 hours. I was very glad I was in good shape during those 4 hours!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    In the past doctors were more concerned about getting an excess of weight while pregnant. It doesn't seem to be the case right now because a lot of ladies in this database make comments about gaining a lot of weight during their pregnancy.

    I gained 17 lbs from my original weight of 103lb, but I had very bad morning, afternoon, and night sickness during most of m y pregnancy and I had lost 5 lbs by the time that I was 4 months pregnant. I recovered the weight lost and gain some more and gave birth to an 8. 5 lbs baby, naturally. OUCH!!

    My second and last child was born less than a year later and I gained 15 lbs with that pregnancy because I still had leftover weight from my first. The baby was 6.5 lbs because I was induced to avoid another big baby.

    If you already gained 22 lbs at your sixth month you may end up with 40 lbs gained by the time of delivery since the baby will really grow more during last two months of pregnancy. I suggest that you watch what and how much you eat and may be do some kind of exercise like walking, and please, listen to your doctor.

    Congratulations and good luck to you and your baby.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    She didn't offer any advise on things to change or ask me about my eating habits. I don't feel like I'm eating bad or way too much at all, but no, I am not logging. Just staying conscious about my choices, like usual. Just the way she said things like "well, the holidays are coming" and "you already gained more than I wanted you to soooo...." rubbed me the wrong way. It was hurtful instead of helpful. I'm getting the gestational diabetes test on the 12th, my only risk factor being that I was overweight before pregnancy.

    Maybe you should start weighing our food with a food scale and logging to really see how much you are consuming.

    I would suggest the same thing. just log your normal eating habits for a week and see what you are actually eating. I know in the UK they only recommend an extra 200 calories in the last trimester.
  • booradleymo
    booradleymo Posts: 11 Member
    The same thing happened with me when I was pregnant with my little guy. I had a job that kept me on my feet a lot and it was hard to want to do anything after work. (I did start commuting to work on my bike, but I realize that that may not be possible for all pregnant ladies depending on distance to work, size of baby bump, etc). Just realize with pregnancy it's a whole different story than normal weight gain - you are creating food inside you to nourish your baby, you are retaining water in which your little one is currently floating, you have a human being growing inside you, you have more blood inside you than a non-pregnant woman, if you have any swelling then you are retaining even more water, if you have more stress than usual (which was the case for me) there's the potential for even more water retention - all this equates to into extra weight and none of it is fat-related. And all this non-fat weight will be gone within weeks after delivery.

    I've only had one pregnancy, but I love hearing other people's experiences, and what I've discovered is this: the weight-gaining guideline that doctors use is simply that, a guideline. Some women gain more weight early on in the pregnancy and then it slows down later on and for some it's the opposite. For some it's a steadier more consistent weight gain. I guess the real thing you need to feel out for yourself is if you feel okay and healthy with how you've been eating and your activity level. If you've been eating okay, and you feel healthy, then that's what's going to be best for your baby. I think the worst thing for a pregnant woman to have to worry about is losing weight. There are already too many stresses and pressures put on pregnant women to add this to the list.

    Hang in there! I'm sure you're doing your best for yourself and for baby! Congrats on the pregnancy, by the way. And good luck!
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    Firstly I only read your post and not the rest, so sorry if this type of info was already said.

    Sometimes there are medical reasons for such things that your doctor should pay attention to. My sister and I both have a medical condition that is not caused by pregnancy but causes issues in pregnancy, however there is so little research or info on it that most doctors know nothing or very little about it.

    My sister who is rather slim had complications earlier in her pregnancy starting at 5 months. One of those complications was a quick weight gain which over all ended up being 60 lbs. I am overweight and my issues started a little later around 7 months and I gained a total of 30. That being said, both of our babies were under 5 lbs.

    All that being said, a woman knows when something isn't right with her body. Trust yourself. If you feel something isn't right then push for the doc to check you out. If you feel all is good, then tell the doc that. If He/she doesn't agree then they need to tell you how to resolve whatever problems they foresee rather than just telling you are gaining too much.
  • I had a problem with my doctor-the problem was she didn't get ON me about my weight. I was 252 starting out and they found out I needed blood pressure medication. In the beginning she said I only needed to gain 20 pounds. Every week I thought she was going to get on me and she never did so I felt like it was "ok". Anyway, I sat on my *kitten* the whole time eating whatever I wanted and ended up gaining like 46 pounds and loss so much muscle. It's taken me a year to lose that and gain even a little endurance and strength back! If I could do it over again, I would eat WAY less sugar, drink way more water, and walk everyday and track my calories. I don't know exactly what you are doing, but just as long as you are living a healthy lifestyle and your stats are good, don't stress too much about it.

    **my baby ended up to be healthy 8 lbs 1 oz born at 40 weeks, but I still regret being so careless!
  • Why do people thinks the doctor's are harsh when they tell an unsugarcoated truth? They're there to give you medical advice, not to be your therapist.

    If he thinks you're gaining too much weight, ask for a referral to a dietician/nutritionist. People want their hands held all the time and someone to blame for what is their responsibility. It's your responsibility to take care of your body and the baby inside you. You should take the steps towards being healthy. Don't depend on your doctor, kwim? He's getting paid to give you facts and not love.

    i'm not trying to hurt your feelings either.