Accurate heart rate monitor/pedometer/timer thing?

I want to ask Santa for a heart rate monitor/pedometer for Christmas, but don't know what types/brand to look into. I've looked around on Amazon and read through some stuff on Consumer Reports . . . I still haven't found exactly what I'm looking for. (Maybe I'm not typing in the right search terms . . . )

Here's the deal: I've been doing a lot of running and as much fun as it's been guess-timating how far I've run and roughly how long it took me, I'd actually like to get more accurate measurements (I'm trying to build speed on my distance runs). If it showed how many calories burned and showed heart rate that would be a bonus.

Do I need a smartphone or an iPod to get the best apps ('cause I don't have either one of those)? Do those watch-looking things work well?

Advice please!


  • SJCon
    SJCon Posts: 224
    Do I need a smartphone or an iPod to get the best apps ('cause I don't have either one of those)? Do those watch-looking things work well?

    Advice please!

    No you can do it with a watch type but if you already have a smart phone it can cut cost to not buy GPS sensor etc. I have used polar for more years than I want to say and think they are great. The polar USA site has a lot of info that can help you narrow down what you want and the "Polar Beat" app is nice but only on Apple." Digifit" is almost identical and syncs with MFP.Garmin also mikes a good product and is more GPS focused. There are better but Santa would have to really think you are special as they get pricey.
  • I believe Adidas is about to release one watch that would do all you need.. It's expensive but if you've been a good person this year, Santa might bring you one! :)

    I use Mio Alpha as it measures HR without the annoying chest strap. It's pretty accurate and easy to use. I don't use pedometers or apps with GPS features; I hate carrying too many things when I'm out running and I don't find these things accurate at all (at least all the ones I've tried so far)
  • I will start off with the fact that I am cheap :) I also know that Santa can be cheap some years too. I have a Polar FT4 ($60 on Amazon) and use my free Android Runkeeper app. Between the two of those I get everything I need- my heart rate, calories burned, mileage splits, and length of my run. I was just using my HRM but eventually decided that I wanted a better gauge of my distance and pace. I love using my app. I have found that Runkeeper is pretty close to my HRM in calculating calories burned unless I am pushing my two year old in the stroller during my run and/or walk (obviously a different workout that the app doesn't catch).

    I saw that someone above suggested going to the Polar website to see what works for you. I have found the website to be helpful. I think a Garmin would be awesome as a dream HRM for myself... but I don't want to put out that kind of money :)
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    This is a terrific guide:

    I personally love my Digifit HRM run through my iPhone (also for Android) that uses a Polar Bluetooth chest strap. I like it because I get tons of colorful graphs showing my workout and progress over time and Digifit seemlessly connects directly to MFP uploading the calories from my workout.
  • booradleymo
    booradleymo Posts: 11 Member
    @SJCon- Thanks for the leads. Polar and Garmin weren't even on my radar!

    @brunotolosa - I'll keep an eye out for the Adidas watch. I've heard good things about the Mio. I guess I'll find out in a couple months how good Santa thinks I've been. :)

    @foxylady522 - Pushing a two-year-old in a stroller on a run is hard core! I've noticed not many apps include estimates for moms who haul babies and toddlers around, but they should! Garmin does sound like a dream! Can't believe I hadn't heard of it before now.

    @themedalist - That article is amazing! Thanks! (Also way to go maintaining your goal for 15 months!)

    In short, thanks everyone!