fiftyandfit Member


  • yup yup yup! We were lucky enough to live in Oregon for 3 years....was so depressed when we came back and no Tillamook!! Luckily stores here in AZ now carry some items! Have found the yogurt, cheese, ice cream and butter! I'm soooooooooo happy!!
  • We've been going back on forth on the Garmin and Polar Loop as we both swim. Polar loop is only good to 20m, Garmin to 80m. Garmin also doesn't have to be charged. Ended up with the Garmin...Amazon $59
  • I'm loving this thread!! Very inspirational!! I stepped on the scale this morning and couldn't believe what was staring back at me! 200#'s!! Good lawd! I'm 5' 7" and 55yrs old. Any other older gals - how are you losing?
  • Got 'voluntold' to work graves for 2 weeks to cover for another gal - 6pm to 6am....haven't had to work the 'yard' since '98. Doing ok with the sleep, having trouble figuring out where to log my food, but decided when I wake up, that's breakfast no matter what time the ol' clock says! I tend to graze when I'm bored, and on…
  • Being half a century plus is hard! Not like when were in our 30's for sure! I'm still working on what works for me....started with calories, but may have to change to macros. The important thing is, I'm moving again...walking and strength training. Logging my food. Being accountable to ME! Don't get discouraged by numbers!…
  • I hit the half century plus half decade mark at the end of last year! UGH! Feel free to friend me! Just started (again) this week...down 3lbs!
  • 40 wasn't so bad for me...however 43 everything flipped upside down! couldn't lose weight like I used to! no more magic formula! and opalsqueak is right! 50! WHOA! :o I turned 55...half a century plus half a decade! at the end of 2014. Thought there was NOTHING that I could do. Pretty much gave up...kept watching the scale…
  • Inflamed mine 2 weeks ago...still recovering. Finding stretching is helping...Also doing squats(no weights) holding onto something so my leg doesn't give out seems to be helping. A friend gave me a Lidocaine patch that I tried last night after having to stand on hard pavement out in the cold for 4 hours at work.... I tell…
  • Do you have a Pinterest account? I found some good exercises with weights for those dang awful turkey waddles!
  • 54 female here... Feel free to add me if you'd like. I agree with the rest, this is our journey to a wonderful destination called LIVE LIFE!! I absolutely despise the word DIEt... I prefer to think of this as a life change so I have a life to live and enjoy for many many many many years!! Good Luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Very nice! I had my last child at 41 and was also in ignore mode! Have started, stopped, started, stopped and now started this ME journey once again! My wonderful, supportive hubs gave me the gift of a "mommy makeover" last year (tummy tuck, boobs and thigh lipo) and I just looked in the mirror this morning and realized my…
  • Welcome! Feel free to add me.... Started (once again) yesterday July 30.... have a goal to lose at least 20lbs by my birthday in October.
  • Brussel Sprouts Okra Eggplant Garbanzos Tomatoes (believe me I've tried) Cabbage Avocado Cottage Cheese
  • I agree with all of the above. I have exercised induced asthma also...diagnosed 9 years ago. Advair as needed when I feel the elephant on my chest and notice more fluid buildup. Use Proventil (Albuterol) puff 15 minutes before workout. I find the more I use my lung muscles, the better capacity I have and the less attacks I…
  • I made a yummy soup last week Chicken Sausage Chicken Stock Spinach Corn Brown Rice Green Bell Pepper Onion Tomato Paste
  • Around $100/week for family of 5, Myself, husband, 24 year old son, 16 year old son and 11 year old son. Lots of fruit, veggies, yogurt, MILK (6 gallons every 4 days) and the usual assortment of meat, frozen, canned and bread. Pam:drinker:
  • Detour, lower sugar bars, You can get a box with 3 flavors at Costco. They aren't too bad....seem to be better than most I've tried.
  • 52yrs old, 5'7" and 184lbs.... add me if you like. my goal is 160ish.....having surgery mid October. Doc says lose as much as I can beforehand. That's not easy at my age! Pam :flowerforyou:
  • I'm 52, and it's not impossible, just more difficult. I found I had to kick up my activity and cut down my calories... slowly but surely, it's coming off. I don't like the word "DIEt" (notice first 3 letters!!), I consider it a lifestyle change. My husband and I are at an age where we want to be around a long time, so our…
  • FYI, for the Iphone, 7 days free and then you have to purchase for $12.99
  • Well, I'm OLD..... I'm 5'7"....highest was 199.5 At my age, would be happy 160-170.
  • One of my new found favorites ~ Al Fresco Chicken Sausages!!!!
  • UGH! Breakfast!! Nope, don't eat it. Haven't in the last 20 years. Just can't do it. I start around 11am. And no one said you had to have "breakfast" foods!!! I've been known to eat a tuna sandwich at 7am! Eat when your body says to eat!! :drinker:
  • GO PACK GO!!!!:drinker:
  • we also make a salad drain and rinse yogurt grapes celery carrots jicama
  • My doctor told me I was allergic to the yeast for processing....achoo!!! So, I switched to Vodka!! 0 cals/0 fat!! :drinker:
  • don't hate, but def not a big fan. my choices/likes are limited. eat what you like. why would you force yourself to eat something you don't like. if you feel you MUST ingest them, puree them and put that into a soup stock. Life is short, make it enjoyable :flowerforyou:
  • Oh no, no, no!!! Go to another surgeon for another consultation. Did one of your friends recommend that guy or ? Talk to your friends and their friends and their friends.... I found my surgeon by talking to lots and lots of women. My surgeon came highly recommended and I loved him from the first time I met him!! I can't…
  • That's what I was going to say.....Taco Salad! Why can't u make the patties and have them with the salad, no buns? I make something we call porcupine balls...similar to meatloaf but in ball shape and use rise as the combiner with the eggs. Farm raised beef........JEALOUS!! Pam
  • yoplait yogurt ( i know, a lot of sugar, but....) put it in the freezer... and YES Skinny Cow! White Chocolate Mint! freeze some grapes and......there's always the calorie burner, satisfying 'snack'!!!! jus' sayin'!! :love: