yakoali Member


  • Honestly I wouldn't even think about losing weight while breastfeeding. When I was breastfeeding any reduction in calories resulted in less milk. So I decided to postpone weight loss for when I am not breastfeeding and I was just trying not to gain more.
  • I would agree with previous posters - 1200 is way too low! Also, I would totally get rid of liquid calories - Slim Fast and energy drinks - and eat normal food instead. Liquid calories have very low thermic effect (it's how much energy is needed to digest a particular food) comparing to solid food. They are also loaded…
  • Congratulations! Keep it up!
  • I am at 50 carbs, 30 protein and 20 fat. And for me it's hard to keep fat that low and carbs that high. I try but I am still usually under goal with carbs.
  • Sunlight - I get so little of it sitting in my cube the whole day! I get depressed without it. And then morning coffee. And then good steak! I tried to be a vegetarian once for one year, felt miserable all the time and gained lots of weight. Oh - and sushi! I think sushi is addictive!
  • 1200 seems too low. Besides 1.72 lbs a week which is what you have to lose to be at 125 on June 1 is a bit too fast in my opinion. I wouldn't aim for more than 1.5 lbs a week, otherwise you will be losing too much lean body mass in addition to fat and slowing down your metabolism. The way I go about my calories is I…
  • How exactly are you trying to lose weight? Maybe your program just doesn't work for you, maybe you just need to change it. I've seen a lot of people trying to lose weight and failing until they found a weight loss program suitable for them and finally lost weight.