Weight Loss and Breastfeeding

I have a four month old son who I am exclusively breastfeeding. I am having the hardest time losing weight due to having to eat to keep my supply up. Any suggestions for losing while breastfeeding?


  • kaylou
    kaylou Posts: 375 Member
    bump* I am interested in hearing what people respond.
  • Bellydance
    Bellydance Posts: 105 Member
    Good luck on all your journeys...
  • yakoali
    yakoali Posts: 8 Member
    Honestly I wouldn't even think about losing weight while breastfeeding. When I was breastfeeding any reduction in calories resulted in less milk. So I decided to postpone weight loss for when I am not breastfeeding and I was just trying not to gain more.
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    I know that you at very minimum should not go under 1800 calories in a day because it may effect your supply and that breastfeeding burns a extra 300-500 calories a day.

    If you are worried about your supply in general make sure you get lots of water and good fats in your diet if either is lacking it can make your supply dip but as long as you have that you should be fine :) If you have any questions or anything feel free to message/add me, it was really hard for me to get back into the swing of exercising eating right after giving birth! It doesn't help breastfeeding makes you feel hungrier than normal sometimes lol
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    Honestly I wouldn't even think about losing weight while breastfeeding. When I was breastfeeding any reduction in calories resulted in less milk. So I decided to postpone weight loss for when I am not breastfeeding and I was just trying not to gain more.

    What did you limit your calories to a day? Going below 1800 a day can have a negative effect on your supply as can not getting enough water or good fats in your diet.
  • think48
    think48 Posts: 366 Member
    How much are you trying to lose? I have noticed that with both of my kids, my body holds on to about 10 pounds until I'm done. I had a hard time limiting calories as well and decided to just go with eating when I'm hungry and making wise choices, but making sure I exercise.

    When I weaned my daughter at 1 year, those 10 pounds came off in less than 2 weeks....seriously. I have 6 more weeks of breastfeeding my son and am looking forward to losing those 10 pounds again to get me back to my pre-preggo weight. I hope it happens again this time.
  • Canuck78
    I am in the same boat with you! And I am definitely not willing to wait until I wean my son in 8 months or so to lose this weight. What's funny is that with my 2 previous kids, Breastfeeding really helped me lose weight pretty quickly. This time it seems to be harder, but I also have to say that I think I might be just a little too impatient. I would love to be at my target weight by my birthday in March...don't think it will happen though.

    Very interested in everyone's input on this subject.
  • rmbj
    rmbj Posts: 1 Member
    i found that the more good food i ate (to a reasonable point), the skinnier i got while breastfeeding, and i had an abundance of milk. actually, at the peak of my breastfeeding, right around when my son was 6 months old before we introduced solids, that was the skinniest i have ever been. in my life. my husband and i called it my porn star body (big boobs, skinny body). that body then makes me think i have a chance at a skinny body now (though without the boobs). haven't quite figured out how to get there since i don't have the external calorie burning machine (my baby).

    anyway, from my experience, maintaining milk supply through healthy adequate eating will eat up the extra calories and keep a happy cycle going. the hard part comes when you wean and don't have those extra calories and you have to adjust how you eat. but maybe it's different for everyone.
  • srohler
    srohler Posts: 9 Member
    On here it has my calorie goal at 1600 and then when I add on the breastfeeding, it gives me an extra 500 calories putting me at 2100 per day. Does that seem too high? Yesterday I was under my calorie goal and today I have like 1000 left and it is already 3:30pm. Guess I can have my Friday night glass of wine since I have extra calories!