I have weighed the same for one year and have tried to lose weight from having my baby. Well this month my son turned one and I still weigh the same amount. I am frustrated at the fact that I have done this to myself and will do well for about two weeks and then will go back to my old ways for two months. The same cycle happens over and over... and it is getting old. Why do I do this? Encouragement needed? Why is the mirror not enough motivation for me!?!


  • forgiven4life
    I've done the same thing. It's all mental I think. You have to decide that you really want this. When you make up your mind that this is something you need to do, move forward and don't look back. Sure you will have slip ups, but instead of carrying them out for months, jump back up and start again. If looking in the mirror is not motivation enough, find something that really does motivate you. Good luck!
  • detrawa
    detrawa Posts: 16 Member
    I completely understand. Sometimes the expectations that we put on ourselves set us up for failure. Are you expecting perfection and then become disgusted with yourself when you do not eat what you planned on your perfect menu? Give yourself a little flexibility! Do you prepare snack food ahead of time so you are prepared for the hunger pains. Are you aware of what causes you to slip? I am an emotional eater. As long as I stay within my calories I usually do not beat myself up as much. Change your perspective. Think about it you stayed pretty much the same weight for a year. I would rather have that than a huge weight gain. You are on your way. Stay encouraged! :happy:
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Do you watch the Biggest Loser?
    Most of weight gain/loss is mental. Jillan makes everyone on that show cry like a fricken baby.
    Go talk to a shrink.
    Either that or find your will power and just stick with it.
  • ShellyKay67
    ShellyKay67 Posts: 489 Member
    I always used a "mess up" or "slip up" as an excuse to give up completely!! (I screwed up, so no point in going on was the mentality).
    This time is different......if I slip up, I DO NOT beat myself up...we are all human. Just get right back on track immediately!
    I have lost 58 pounds since January 4th. I have about 20-25 pounds to go and even tho it's coming off slower now, I know there is no doubt I will achieve my goal!!
    And the "all mental" part is correct!!
    You can do it....believe in yourself (YOU ARE WORTH IT) and you can achieve your goals!!
    Good luck!
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    When you are “on track” is it a very different jump for you?
    Try a gradual easing into things rather than an abrupt all or nothing.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    When you are “on track” is it a very different jump for you?
    Try a gradual easing into things rather than an abrupt all or nothing.
  • Red13
    Red13 Posts: 287 Member
    I agree, it is mental, but you've got to want a change more than you want your present self. It's funny you give up after two weeks. That is what they say the amount of time it takes to get used to a new routine or break old habits. Try pushing past that and just know that seeing changes in your body will take a while. I just read an article from a trainer that basically said it takes 12 weeks on a routine to notice change (whether it be clothes looser, more muscle tone, better mental being) It's a slow process and if your slipping because of the things around you like having kid snacks in your cupboards, throw it out! it just so much easier when temptation isn't staring you in the face.
  • traceysturn
    Exactly what ShellyKay said!:wink:
  • lt3ag4s
    lt3ag4s Posts: 835 Member
    Attack your failures.
    Make a list of all the excuses you have for not sticking with it.
    Make a plan to over come those excuses.

    There is no magic pill. No one can make you do it.

    Dont focus on the weight. Ask yourself WHY you want to be a certain weight. That is your goal.
    It generally comes down to health and happiness.
  • nikkishai
    nikkishai Posts: 407 Member
    My answer... FAKE IT! :)

    I went through the same thing back in April. I started a workout/diet program, and after 2 weeks I gave up. I'm trying again and right now, I'm approaching the 2 week mark. Rather than focus on my past failures, I keep my mind focused on my future successes. I know how I want to look in jeans, and I know how I want to feel when I go out. What keeps me motivated to keep on pushing? The fact that I made the choice to workout yesterday. I don't want to break that chain, because I know how I am. I worked out yesterday, so I'll work out today... and so forth until I reach my goal. I take pride in the work I've done to get one step closer to my goal, and I don't really focus on how many more steps I have to take. If you're feeling down and out... FAKE IT. Tell yourself that you look great and that you can do anything you want to do. The more you say it, the more you'll believe it. A little hype can go a long way.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    Sounds like me! When DD was born July 2008, I swore I would lose the 65 pounds (gasp!!!) within a year. Her first birthday came, and I had not lost a pound. I saw the pics and said THIS IS IT! By her next bday, I will be skinny in the pics. Yeah, that didn't happen either...Seeing myself in her 2nd birthday pics looking the same as I did right after having my c section was a huge wake up call.

    As moms, we are super busy all the time, and I think it is easy to use the "I just had a baby" excuse for our extra weight. When I realized that I didn't "just" have her, and that 2 years is a LONG time to be milking that one, I decided that it was finally time to do something. I look the same for her 3rd bday pics. My advice to you is to NOT MAKE EXCUSES. Moms give so much of themselves, but at some point we have to do something FOR US. These are some lessons I have learned from failing at losing the baby weight:

    -DO NOT eat your little one's left over food. Even if it is just a few bites. If it bothers you to throw out food, put it in a bowl and place it outside where a stray animal can find it and get some grub.

    -"Wear" your baby on your back. It's a great exercise, even if you are just walking around the mall. Make sure you have a comfy one though. It makes a HUGE difference!

    -Buy a workout DVD (30 Day Shred takes less than 30 minutes a day) and fit it in before your baby wakes up. It will give you a boost of energy, and you might be inclined to make better food choices, in an effort to not "waste" that workout.

    -If you are not planning to have another child any time soon, give away your maternity clothes! Yeah, they fit, but how do you FEEL putting on a pair of jeans with an elastic tummy panel? For me, it was kind of embarssing. Maternity clothes are cut wider where the weight is. So many post partum women throw on a maternity tee, and it can look very flattering. It gave me a flase sense of "looking good".

    Hope this doesn't sound too harsh! I am giving you respect by not sugar coating anything and giving you the truth.
  • ercollins91
    I find one of the best ways to stay on track is to have someone there with you to help. Maybe not all the time, but when I am feeling hungry and I'm about to grab a bag of gummy bears (my biggest vice) my friend will ask if I really need the gummy bears or if I should eat something else like an apple or a yogurt
  • yakoali
    yakoali Posts: 8 Member
    How exactly are you trying to lose weight? Maybe your program just doesn't work for you, maybe you just need to change it. I've seen a lot of people trying to lose weight and failing until they found a weight loss program suitable for them and finally lost weight.