ehimay10ins Member


  • very inspirational!!!! I want to ask whether or not you think you could have done it without your "team" (your doctor, trainer, fitbit, etc). Meaning if you would have just gone for a yearly checkup, and maybe even gotten the information about your insulin, but nothing else from the doctor.....if you would have met your…
  • no supplements, i probably should be taking a multivitamin for extra support between being a mother, breastfeeding, and going back to work in a few weeks (I'll be burning the candle at both ends)
  • So I'm somewhat in the same boat. You said you work with a trainer, has your trainer been measuring you? is it possible you are losing inches and not weight? Also your calories seem kind of high. I plugged in your height (5 ft), weight (140 lbs) and amount of time exercising (3 times a week) into a calculator and it comes…
  • AndyIIIII, your post makes sense. the one thing I am unsure of is my milk supply. I am able to express milk anytime I try, however I have no idea if my supply is high or low. My breasts dont get full/engorged if I skip a day of feedings, like it did when I skipped 1 feeding with my first child. Also since my baby is not…
  • i know it wont make my food count more accurate so in terms of weight loss I may still have a problem but i'm saying if I'm logging that I am burning 500 calories, has it been other's experiences that they were told they were actually burning closer to 300 or 700 and not the 500 or was their calories burned just more…
  • I used this calculator
  • 1. Inches/numbers are more important that the scale (I still havent accepted this, I lost 3% body fat with only losing 5 lbs, from what I understand this is unbelievable, my trainer couldnt believe the numbers) 2. I will always have issues with food and bring it back to my mother, but that doesnt mean I get to ignore them…
  • i'm happy i found this thread, ive been beating myself up over the weekend. here is a bit of history pregnancy #1 - gained 50 lbs - i was 2 weeks early pregnancy #2 - gained 48 lbs - on time pregnancy #3 - gained 25 lbs - 3 weeks early now with pregnancy #4, i'm 16 weeks and i've gained something like 12 lbs already. I…
  • I'm tracking my food here on MFP. I am working with a nutritionist although i've only gone to her once. she told me that she doesn't mind me maintaining during first/second trimester, but she doesn't want me losing anything. I have been tracking my weight from the doctor's office on my phone. I have also been weighing…
  • i met with a nutritionist last week (was free as a referral from my OB). my original concern was going from 1400 to 1900 calories a day. She confirmed that I should be eating that much. she told me not to lose weight and that I dont need to eat my exercise calories. does that help?
  • I gained 50 lbs with my first 2 pregnancies and closer to 30-35 with my third. I noticed the difference was that I only gained 3 lbs in the first trimester (i dont have morning sickness so there is no weigh loss during first trimester for me) With my second pregnancy I was down 25 lbs after a week. with my third I dont…
  • Personally, when I'm not watching my intake I find that I can drink water easily, but once someone tells me to stay hydrated it becomes a burden. Also, you said it yourself,it's tasteless. Another point is not that we are necessarily choosing juice or soda over the water, it's just that we are simply not drinking and…
  • Make ice tea with this I don't find that I need sweetener with it and it gives me a sweet fix too
  • The way I drink my water is with some juice. I usually pour about 2 oz of juice with 8-12 oz of water and ice, at least 6 cubes, I'm able to drink it that way. Also with my last pregnancy I also hated drinking water so I had a cup that I knew was 16 oz. I would fill it like above as soon as I woke, before I went to work,…
  • I had a miscarriage between children #2 and #3. To this day I blame it on my exercise routine. I had started exercising a few weeks before I got pregnant and I continued hard core. This time around I started exercising hard core for 3 months before trying to try and prevent that issue. In terms of conceiving I dont see any…
  • i'm pretty much in the same boat as you except I just found out yesterday that I am pregnant. This is something i will talk to my doctor when I go in for my first appointment in a month. MFP said i should be eating 1450 calories to lose 1 lb a week and work out 4 times. Then I just changed it and got 1700 to lose .5 lbs a…
  • choose wisely, just cause its on the table doesnt mean you have to eat it. watch your portion sizes offer to bring a side, and know that at least you have one thing you can eat. between meals dont snack a lot drink water
  • So here is the link to the butternut squash and beets I also mentioned a beets and mandarin orange salad On the page of the first recipe there are a bunch of ideas for Rosh…
  • i sometimes make a "roasted beets and squash side dish" or "beets and mandarin oranges"
  • (again let me warn you that i may sound like a baby and maybe that's my problem and not the food) tzur21 - At one point i was making myself salad and maybe i should start that again, but i think i stopped because i was getting bored of lettuce lattarulol - I do eat the same dinner as my kids/husband, however, breakfast is…