

  • Congratulations! :D You really look amazing!
  • Thanks, guys. :3 I didn't want to fall into a trap and do what I often do--fall off the horse. XD I think I'll go with the salad! We don't go out that often anyway (maybe once a month), so it probably won't hurt.
  • Welcome! :D I hope you achieve your goals! My mom lost a lot of weight when she was in her 30s by subbing salads into her dinners and doing 30 minutes of calisthenics a day. She'd make a side dish for me, my sister, and my dad and then would just have a small portion of an entree with a nice tasty salad. She was around my…
  • Ahhh, gross! Now you got me thinking about that! LOL Blegh, I don't even like brushing my teeth after eating chips. *shudder*
  • Encouragement is always appreciated! :3 You know, it's funny how fast time passes. It'll be next year before we know it, and I hope that we're all a lot closer to our goals. We just gotta hang in there (oh, and survive Thanksgiving when it rolls around!)
  • Eye of the Tiger, baby.
  • Well, when you see those snacks ask yourself--what's something you want to do once you're thin? For me, it's bikini shopping. I'm gonna treat myself to an expensive, all-the-bells-and-whistles bikini, and then I'm going to STRUT down the beach, looking at all those hotdog venders like "Nope. Not interested. This feels too…
  • I discovered it 2 days ago. Fresh @ Easy store brand. SO DELICIOUS. I like it better than regular milk. I always had a problem with the sourness of milk, and really didn't enjoy drinking it. Almond milk, though? Oh, I LOVE it. I had a glass of it with my lunch today. I haven't had milk with lunch since middle school! <3
  • Whole fat cheeses for me too here. Whole fat mayo too--I can't stand the low fat stuff... Um, and real butter. Oh, and egg yolks. Those are the best part. :3 But you know, when you eat the serving size, those things aren't TOO fattening, so it won't break my bank to have a TBSP of mayo in my tuna with a little slice of…
  • I was one of those ladies. XD I'm 5'1, and as a kid I was thin as a rail. My mom used to be horrified at how much I could eat. I out ate my FATHER sometimes (and he was a construction worker who needed upwards of 3000 calories a day!). I used to eat entire packages of E.L.Fudge cookies, and she'd warn me "you're gonna get…
  • You could also be gaining muscle. This happened to me in high school when I was trying to lose weight for prom. I hit about 10 pounds above my goal and just sat there--and then GAINED weight. What I didn't realize was that while I was losing fat, I was gaining muscle, so the scale wasn't really telling me the whole story.…
  • Thanks for the support, guys. :3 I added you to my friends. I'm pretty committed to keep this up! I'm feeling great today--a lot better than I have in a while. My husband and his brother went and got Carl's Jr., and I was able to say "no thank you" when they asked if I wanted something. :3