

  • Along the same lines, I'm dealing with the people who think that since I've reached my goal I don't need to worry about working out and eating right. Just the other day, my mom called me obsessed for logging food and wearing my fitbit.
  • I just got one a few days ago and so far I'm happy with it; it gives more accurate, personalized information about your daily activity/calorie burn than a random estimate and the goals are motivating.
  • My WTF?! was a picture taken in January 2010. I knew I was big, but I avoided pictures, mirrors, and scales for so long that I didn't realize just how bad it was. I saw not only how unhealthy I was physically, but how unhappy I looked. It was then that I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and start making the changes…
  • "I'm tired of trying to please the world that spins around me, this time I'm doing it for me and me alone." Five Finger Death Punch - Menace
  • "I don't wanna live to waste another day underneath the shadows of mistakes I've made." Shinedown - Breaking Inside
  • It's taken me over two years to be rid of a month's worth of trash..
  • Mine's scheduled for December; I gave myself a year in January to do all I could do (still trying) or come to terms with it. I've lost 115 pounds over the past two years, and the way I see it is I didn't put in all this work to still not be happy with my body.
  • I'm 25 and have lost 115 pounds over two years and definitely have the extra skin on my stomach and inner thighs to show for it. As other posts have stated it depends on your body, how long your skin has been stretched out, how quickly you lose, etc. There's just no definite answer. I've given myself until December to try…
  • My heaviest was 240 and my original goal was just to be within my healthy range - the higher end being 160. I got there and decided it would be amazing to be able to say I had lost 100 pounds, so I set a new goal of 140. I am at 128 now and my goal is maintenance.
  • My 'before' picture that was taken in January 2010; I never realized just how bad I looked until I saw that. Getting divorced also gave me a lot of free time, anger, and motivation that I chose to use to better myself.
  • So many great tips so far, but mine would be that if you can't fight the temptation, avoid the ability. I don't have cheat days, to me they would be a reminder that I'm not allowing myself what I really want. It takes time, but it's better to change a craving than to indulge in it; satisfy a sweet craving with fruit enough…
  • I'm 5'8" and weigh 128; my heaviest was 240+ (I don't know the actual figure, I was working out for over a month before I was even brave enough to get on the scale).
  • Hey hey from Virginia! I'm pretty new myself, I've never been big on any message boards so I have no clue about the bump thing, but I'm curious. Best of luck to you!
    in Hi .... Comment by sarann111 May 2012
  • I have completely avoided unhealthy snacks and foods for so long that I no longer crave them at all. Starting out, I would have fruit when I wanted sweets, and I think after so long my body associated the two and forgot all about chocolate.
  • I've done both, and I will definitely say I felt better while I was working out rather than just restricting intake. The plan sounded genius that I could just eat that much less and it should have the same result... wrong! I met my goal, but ended up with the physique of a skeleton and absolutely no energy, so now it's…