Your wtf i need to get in shape moment.



  • reereejandro
    reereejandro Posts: 62 Member
    EXACTLY,, the 2 and 3 post above. Can't see the vajay jay and seeing everyone's muffin tops HAHA. Damn, what has our country done to us.

    BUMP! I like reading people's posts on this!
  • MsNP
    MsNP Posts: 27 Member
    realizing that I had a closet and armoire packed FULL of clothes that my fat butt couldnt fit into and crying on the floor because I had nothing to wear. Now most of my stuff is too big... sort of the same problem but a "better" one. :)

    Same! I have so much stuff that is just from the last year, that suddenly didn't fit! But really it was me gaining weight and wearing the same clothes while at school, and then when I moved back home, all those clothes I had to wear just didn't fit my butt. I am more of a pear shape than I was before, and I am not too happy about it. I'm still working on it. It's tough, but I know I can't give up.
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    My "wtf" moment was just hearing what my weight was when I was to do the doc for a check up... I did just have my 3rd child four months ago but this is the heaviest i've ever been and i've always told myself that i would NEVER let myself get to 200... and i was over that. (now i'm finally JUST under 200 so i'm happy about that!)

    I'm also sick of my mom making comments about my weight.. She is not skinny herself but she always has something to say and plays it off like she's just joking, but she thinks it's funny and some of the things she has said really got to me.
  • jaimrlx
    jaimrlx Posts: 426 Member
    When my doctor told me that I was 1 lb away from 200. I started crying. Here I am, 26 lbs later. :happy:
  • bmtedder
    bmtedder Posts: 11
    When basically none of my clothes fit me...the ones that kind of fit didn't even look good. I've been doing really well with staying on track with the diet and exercise. I figure it's cheaper to lose weight than to buy a new wardrobe. :)

    Plus...I wen to Old Navy and tried on a size 8 jean shorts. Old Navy's clothes(in my experience) were made bigger so I could usually go a smaller size. Well, the size 8 shorts were extremely tight...and I couldn't zip them at all.
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    A photo of myself, face looked so round! I went from a size 8 to a size 15. Nothing fit me, and I missed shopping for cute clothes. HAD to change.
  • jadeanstey
    jadeanstey Posts: 28 Member
    My WTF I need to get in shape moment was when my boyfriend and I went into the city to do a little shopping. After hours of trying on clothes nothing fit (and I refused to go up to plus sizes) while everything he tried on fit and he was able to buy a ton of new clothes while I went home with not one item. :( It was then and there that I decided I would lose this weight and be able to walk into a store and fit into whatever I liked.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    my pants not fitting, like any of them. i kept thinking the dryer was shrinking them.
  • When I saw a picture of myself after my first black belt test on my moms wall. I believe that dude is in here somewhere. Also I am 33 so if I am gonna find him i better hurry up.
  • sarann111
    sarann111 Posts: 16
    My WTF?! was a picture taken in January 2010. I knew I was big, but I avoided pictures, mirrors, and scales for so long that I didn't realize just how bad it was. I saw not only how unhealthy I was physically, but how unhappy I looked. It was then that I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and start making the changes to take my life back.