DancerGirl16 Member


  • Hello! I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's and hypothyroidism in May 2013 (after two years of seeing my general health decline and the scale go from 170 lbs. to 210 lbs.). Almost two years post-diagnosis, I'm currently at 220 lbs., and just had a lab done on Saturday that shows my TSH is back at 4.12, and it's changed in only…
  • I'm returning for the nth time (I've lost count), and I have ~60 pounds to lose (according to BMI, it should be 70-110, but BMI doesn't take into account my natural frame and body type).
  • (Sorry for the double post, I don't know what happened)
  • I'm at 162.8 today! It's not much, but since I was sick from Wednesday to Sunday (stupid sinus infection), I'm happy with it. Now that I'm better I'm going to be working hard again! :) Goals: 1. Lots of water, every day! 2. Exercise every day, even if it's just 15 minutes. 3. Get to a normal sleep schedule. No more…
  • Thanks Rach, and congrats, girls! :) My goals for this week: 1. Log what I eat every day to find out what needs to change. 2. Keep drinking loads of water. 3. Exercise every night. (It actually seems to be working better for me to work out in the evening instead of in the morning!) 4. Eat more fruits and vegetables instead…
  • WI: 163.6 Unfortunate, but not surprising. I'll be working extra hard this week!
  • Hi, I'm Kayla and I'm kind of new... I joined MFP back in September and then promptly forgot about it until last night. I'm finally motivated again, and this group looks awesome, so here I am! I'll post my "week 3" weight in a few hours when a scale is available. :) Week 1: 160 Week 2: 160
  • Hi Bea! I also want to cheer you on as another person who struggles with chronic illness. I have had dysthymia (constant low-level depression) since I was about 12 (so six years), and I get "episodes" of major depression on top of that when things like people dying or moving away happen. (Both of my grandfathers passed…