I need to loose 80 lbs this year :/



  • flatlandrunner
    flatlandrunner Posts: 54 Member
    Friend requests sent! If I missed anyone feel free to add me :)
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    80 pounds would be pushing it in 10 months. You'd have to very aggressively hit 2 pounds per week for the remainder of the year. But 40-60 should be doable.
  • Well my goal is 5 pounds per week but no less than 2. I know I can do it:) I'm still young!
  • mgtownsend71
    mgtownsend71 Posts: 49 Member
    leteffmya wrote: »
    Well my goal is 5 pounds per week but no less than 2. I know I can do it:) I'm still young!

    I have an overall total goal, but I have short term goals at 5 pound intervals which may take 1-2 weeks to achieve, but I just keep plugging away and enjoy the journey as this is going to be my lifestyle not a diet. You can definitely do it and make sure you are doing it for yourself not for anyone else. I find because I am doing it as a lifestyle and for myself this time, I am seeing better results and feel great. I know I will have rough patches and bad days but that is life, I just need to reset and continue on!

    One day at a time and love yourself for each success small or big! You are worth it!
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    To get you started read these:



    They both have very good advice and can help you aviod alot of the drailing slip ups many people make. It seems like alot to think about at first but after a bit of time it becomes second nature.

    ~Best wishes!
  • davidp2711
    davidp2711 Posts: 42 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • randilynn113
    randilynn113 Posts: 227 Member
    I'm looking to lose about 50 lbs this year to reach my goal ~ feel free to add me! :)
  • beetlesguk
    beetlesguk Posts: 14 Member
    hi, I have around 70lbs to lose! I've lost a fair amount before but regained, im determined this time! Feel free to add me :)
  • I need to lose 100 pounds. And it's tough on me cause I've always been skinny and now I am just a mess. I mean I don't even like to weight myself cause I know the number I am going to get. But I just started today and so far I feel good. But my question is, if I will keep up with it? I would love support & I can be a friend as well.
  • mdstratts
    mdstratts Posts: 5 Member
    I've dropped 43 so far (already had shed 13 before I signed up for MyFitnessPal) and still have 50-ish to go. I started in early October of last year.

    I've walked and gotten quite good at paying attention to what I eat. I also build "cheat" days into my life because a life without pizza is a life I don't want any part of. :smile:

    I've had a couple of frustrating plateau's,but kept going. It's been a journey and one I intend keeping on.
  • mdstratts
    mdstratts Posts: 5 Member
    leteffmya wrote: »
    Well my goal is 5 pounds per week but no less than 2. I know I can do it:) I'm still young!

    Make sure that you eat enough to keep going. Otherwise, your body will go into starvation mode and pull nutrients from your muscle and not any fat, which it will horde. I'd also suggest scaling back your weekly goal to something more manageable and healthy like 2-2.5 per week on average.

    Drink plenty of water, and avoid soda of all kinds for a while.
  • Melinda791
    Melinda791 Posts: 6 Member
    New here and would be thrilled to lose another 70lbs but realistically SHOULD lose about 110. lol So hard!
  • DancerGirl16
    DancerGirl16 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm returning for the nth time (I've lost count), and I have ~60 pounds to lose (according to BMI, it should be 70-110, but BMI doesn't take into account my natural frame and body type).
  • Hello I need to lose 100 pounds been trying for 2 years now . I need as much support as I can get !
  • I need to lose almost 200 lbs!!!!!!! Long history, saga, whatever, but I finally decided I HAD to do this in order to live and to live without multiple medical issues and constant pain. I hope I will be accepted for bariatric surgery next year, but meanwhile, I ask all of you for support and will, in turn, support you. I know how to do this and could give out all sorts of advice, but I just keep sabotaging myself.
  • lllwallace wrote: »
    I need to lose almost 200 lbs!!!!!!! Long history, saga, whatever, but I finally decided I HAD to do this in order to live and to live without multiple medical issues and constant pain. I hope I will be accepted for bariatric surgery next year, but meanwhile, I ask all of you for support and will, in turn, support you. I know how to do this and could give out all sorts of advice, but I just keep sabotaging myself.