dsearle67 Member


  • I would love to join this group! 75 pounds to lose!
  • Fantastic job!!! Keep up the great work!
  • @ lajohnson73 FANTASTIC JOB!!!! Beta is waiting for you!!! Here are my ALPHA Results! Start 11/4/13 SW: 260.5 L Arm 14.75 R arm 14.75 Chest 44.75 Waist 43.5 Hips 51.5 R Thigh 32.5 L thigh 32.5 R calf 19 L calf 19 ALPHA Results 12/7/13 cw: 254 -6.5 L arm 14.75 same R arm 14.75 same chest 43 -1.75 waist 41 -2.50 hips 49.5…
  • hi All! Week 3 day 6 T25 Ab Intervals (left over from yesterday doubleday Friday) I FINALLY NAILED IT!! Wasn't feeling good yesterday, so I skipped the gym at 5am and did my T25 Total Body at 8am. WAs not on my game with my eating yesterday and didn't even log. Got up today refreshed and Nailed my ab workout as well and…
  • week 3 day 3 of Alpha - Lower Focus Not only did I NAIL it! I KILLED IT! (pat myself on the sweaty back!) :drinker: Hope everyone is doing great!
  • Good Morning all! Day 12/70 T25 Doubleday Friday! AAAHHHHHH! My two worst! Lower and Abs! I was not feeling motivated this morning when I woke, but walked to the gym at 5:45 am and the cold air must of did me good. I finished my elliptical and circuit training, walked home and pushed play! When I heard Shawn T's voice, I…
  • @Rothwilder - Great job! Cardio was fantastic yester and NAILED IT! Total body circuit today and I got up really tired, so my energy level was not where it should've been, but I got through it. Keep pushing play everyone!
  • Hello All! Day 6/70 T25 STATurday! Lost 9.5 lbs. total of 6.25 inches lost! Was so glad to have a sleep in day! Cleaning the house and dancing around with joy today with my results from my first week of T25! I hope the 2nd week goes just as well! I am not sure how to figure out my macros however. Maybe someone can help?…
  • OMG! Double day Friday put me to the test! Wk1 Day5. The lower workout was killer and I barely made it, my quads and calves were killing me! When it was done, I thought, "What!? I have to do another one?!" But, I really wanted a day off on Sat, so I pushed play again and did the Cardio. I nailed it and felt great…
  • Wow! Followed Tania the whole time and Barely made it! Not looking forward to a repeat of this workout! However, I powered through and felt great afterward! Keep it goin ladies!
  • Day 2 done for me! and I KILLED IT! even with the modifier the whole time I was totally dripping in sweat when I was done! Love it! Great job everyone! Lets Kill this together!
  • Hello all! I started today also. Wk 1 day 1 Cardio: KILLED IT! ( I have to follow the modifier due to foot problems, but I made it through!) Let's do this together!
  • Hello everyone! I just received my T25 dvds in the mail yesterday. Will start on Mon Nov 4! Here are my stats: 1. Your name, age, and where you live (as much as you are comfortable providing) My name is Denise, age 46 live in upstate NY. 2. What are your current goals? To lose weight, be healthy and run again. 3. Describe…
  • Good Morning All MFPers! Hope everyone had a great week! SW: 268 9/9/13 CW: 263 (-5) 9/16/13 Lets kick this!
  • Bump! I am truly inspired by these stories and pictures of success! I have a male friend that has convinced me to lift with him and his trainer at a local gym. I still have 100 lbs to lose, but I really want to lift to be stronger. I have been Paleo since June 2013 and have lost 31 lbs with hardly any exercise. Please add…
  • I'm in too! CW: 9/9/13 268 GW: 9/30/13 262 LETS DO THIS! ADD ME IF YOU WANT!
  • OOo OOOOo Add me too! I am 46 and have 120 lbs to lose! I love MFP and the encouragement we share along our journey!
  • Second time around for MFP! Was doing great losing almost 60 lbs 3 years ago, until a knee injury for 8 months, and fighting Plantar Facitis for the last 2 years.... here I am again! Still can't exercise a lot, but have modified to chair exercises and biking. Would love to have this support again! Age: 46 Ht: 5'8" SW: 308…
  • SW: 287.5 6/8: 288.5 6/15: 282.5 YEAH FOR ME!
  • Having a small pity party for myself this week. Been to the PT for my heel pain and it is so bad this week, I have not exercised. Work is crazy, end of the year activities for the 4 kids is hard to keep up with, and my dr appt yesterday concluded with high blood pressure and now medication. I know now that this weight…
  • Hi! My name is Denise. I am 45 and 5'8" and I have over 100 pounds to lose. I am excited to join this group to keep up my motivation! We can do this !!!! CW: 287.5 GW: 277.5 (for June) UGW: 175 My motivation is my children and my health. I have Patellafemoral Pain in my right knee and Plantar Faceitis in both feet. I…
    in Intro Comment by dsearle67 June 2012
  • Ever try PB2? It is powdered peanut butter and has 85% less fat! I love peanut butter too, and this is a fantastic substitute for the high fat regular! Try it!
  • I would love to join! I need the check in on myself to keep me motivated! IM IN! SW: 294 CW: 290 I am 5'8" tall.
  • HiiT 25 this morning! I follow Alli because I have a bad knee, but wow!.....talk about a sweat workout! LOVE IT!:tongue:
  • I.....AM....tired!!!!!! Chalene tried to kill me today with the EZ 45! Wow do I feel engergized the rest of the day after my shower though!
  • THAT IS ABSOLUTELY FANTABULOUS!!!! YOU ROCK GIRL!! Be glad that you stuck with it and keep going! You look great! A total inspiration to me and others!!!
  • May of 2010. Highest weight ever at 308.
  • Hi! I just joined the site today and I absolutely LOVE TurboFire! Chalene is the bomb! The music is awesome and keeps me going thruout the entire day! I have over 100 lbs to lose and would love to make some friends on here! Maybe we can help encourage one another!