aps81 Member


  • You should also try Vanessa Barajas recipes at http://cleaneatingwithadirtymind.com/recipe-index-3/ .... she is one of the paleo dessert experts in my opinion :)
    in Paleo Cake Comment by aps81 May 2015
  • I had a SERIOUS sweet tooth/sugar addiction I needed to suppress and although just quitting cold turkey would be nice, it didn't appear realistic to me..like for me the struggle is real! I also don't like many fruits. I basically started Paleo by making Paleo desserts, and with the healthier substitutions in the recipes, I…
  • I TOTALLY can understand. I now work rotating night to day 12 hr shift (every two weeks), but I'm finding the exercise part harder to work in since I have to fit in sleeping and showering in there somewhere. I try to meal prep on my days off and keep my eating schedule as close to the same as possible (ie breakfast in the…
  • The suggestions above are good ones and your simple palette is actually advantageous in your case since you don't like all the heavy sauces. The ideas above area great (crockpot, frittatas) and are super easy. The meat/deli section of most grocery stores have fresh and pre-seasoned meats and fish you can just place into…
  • You can add me! I shoot for 1200 a day, but use that more as a guideline and eat more when I train/exercise more. I tend to eat the same things to keep me in the "safe" zone and am always on the lookout for meal ideas that are low in calorie, but lean towards the natural/paleo side. Note that I am not perfect either and am…
  • I am also using 1200 calories as my guideline. It used to be REALLY hard for me to stick to and I thought I was barely eating anything, but I just changed WHAT I was eating and don't feel as though I'm starving all of the time. I eat primarily Paleo/Primal now (mostly fresh meat and veggies) and am now always in a calorie…
  • I've tried this (avocado deviled eggs) and topped with bits of bacon....DELICIOUS!!!! You can mix the avocados with roughly 1/3 of your hard boiled egg yolks to make it creamy...no mayo needed ever again.
  • 1. Egg Whites 2. Uncured Bacon 3. Avocados 4. Spinach 5. Spaghetti Squash 6. Meat - usually grass-fed ground beef or chicken 7. Coconut Oil 8. Brussel Sprouts (usually roasted with bacon and balsamic viniagrette) 9. Almond Flour 10. Quest Bars
  • I've been training BJJ on and off for many years in southern California (really more off than on)...after trying all kinds of exercising (from gym/weights to boxing), I've realized training BJJ is the best way to get an all body workout that puts me in my best shape. I do want to get back in (currently purple belt), but am…
    in Introductions Comment by aps81 June 2013
  • There are quite a few Lara bars and Quest bars that are Paleo friendly...they keep great in the heat. Quest bars are great (lower in cal, higher in fiber and protein and most are all natural). I keep them in the car for those after-gym moments and haven't had issues. They sell them in most nutrition stores and come in a…
  • Three of my favorite paleo recipe sites are nomnompaleo.com , paleomg.com , and elanaspantry.com . I've tried A LOT of different recipes and always seems to consistently pull from these three from main dishes to desserts. My favorites include anything with spaghetti squash and cauliflower that's been through the food…