The Swing Shift Dilema

I'm finding it difficult to keep a reguqlar exercise schedule because of my hectic work schedule. I have been cooking and bringing my food to work, but working night shift throws off my eating habits. Well I guess as long as I have healty snacks with me. I havent' posted in two days, and I am back on evening shift now. Well I'm glad to see everyone posting and staying focused on your goal. Yeahhhh.........Love you all.....


  • aps81
    aps81 Posts: 11 Member
    I TOTALLY can understand. I now work rotating night to day 12 hr shift (every two weeks), but I'm finding the exercise part harder to work in since I have to fit in sleeping and showering in there somewhere. I try to meal prep on my days off and keep my eating schedule as close to the same as possible (ie breakfast in the am, lunch, and dinner etc and maybe a light snack) and just shift it up a little when I work nights. For example...on a typical day I'll eat breakfast around 7 am, but when I work nights, that breakfast is moved up to 5am and "lunch" when I wake up later midday. The lack of exercise is really getting to me though...I have resigned myself to short breaks in a conference room with a yoga mat and a medicine ball, but I still don't feel like I'm getting enough cardio.
  • Nicegurl51
    I can totally relate. The exercise is tough to fit in bacause when I awake, I feel like I need to go back to sleep becaue I got another 12hr shift to do.Good idea in the break room. Maybe I can fit some low impact aerobic in on my break. Thanks for sharing......