

  • Liftng4Lis I just changed my username and therefore it's not viewable if you click on my name. It's a bug that I will report. My profile is viewable here: But I haven't been adding food here so don't think it would be of much use. :) queenliz99 yes I am a vegetarian and…
  • But isn't it generally agreed upon that Whey should be taken close to your workout times? Does its absorption vary if taken 3-4 hours before or after? Also, is up to 100 grams of protein supplements okay, if you overall protein intake is about 200 grams? (50% from supplements)
  • Aah nice, thank you!
  • Thank you guys for your responses. Now, I don't need to feel guilty about eating late night!
  • S2 has ended. And it was awesome!!
  • As a regular inclusion on the diet, what can you easily make with cottage cheese? I am looking for vegetarian options.
  • Actually, mfp says my net should be 1270. I normally net about 600, that is after 2000 calories of food intake and 1400 cals of exercise. I don't end up feeling starved and feel quite active on the contrary. My net protein intake, including nuts would not go over 80 gms most of the time (Vegetarian Diet). One scoop of whey…
  • One thing I wanted to clarify was that if I am doing loads of cardio (5-6 days a week, 2 hours a day) and little strength training (2-3 days/week, 1 hour/day), should I go for casein protein or whey protein? I have heard that casein protein keeps you feeling a little full for a much longer duration and it is a slow release…
  • On an average I do about 60 minutes of singles tennis, 40 minutes of competitive badminton and 30 minutes of mountain biking. Wouldn't that amount to about 1400-1500 calories? Thank you guys for your suggestions! You are awesome!
  • My weight is 180 lbs. I haven't measured my bf% as all the online calculators seem to give imprecise/wrong results and I didn't want to spend money on a body fat calculator unless it is really required. My height is 5'8" and waist about 34" if it helps. On an average I eat about 70 gms of protein. Average 70 gms of fat.
  • On days that I don't exercise, if I just eat 1270 calories, I will be left feeling pretty hungry. Also, that is below my BMR, which I believe is not healthy? Which nuts would you recommend? A quick browse showed me that though nuts have good protein levels, but they are also high in fat. E.g. 1/4 cup of almonds contain 14g…