

  • Thanks for sharing! I love your story and it is inspiring!:flowerforyou:
  • Thanks for sharing. You look amazing.
  • I can totally relate to the obsession with food and I am a binge eater. I am not sure how much advice I can offer you, as I'm somewhat in the same boat, but know that there are others out there who are struggling with this too, every day, all the time. I think the fact that you are working away at a more healthy weight,…
  • I get up at 5 am weekday mornings in order to fit in cardio. Makes the whole day that much better as I've gotten in the exercise first thing. Sometimes I literally drag myself out of bed, but if you are motivated you will do it. Plus it get the endorphins going first thing so keeps the blues/depression at bay (esp in…
  • Interesting Read: http://michaelhyatt.com/should-you-keep-your-goals-to-yourself.html Only tell people you think will support you. You don't need the others. Do it for yourself - that is it's own reward :)
  • I find a bowl of oatmeal in the morning with some brown sugar fills me to lunch, so i don't feel like I'm still hungry after. I find I have the issue with always still being hungry once I start eating- esp after supper. like I can't stop till I've had something sweet. I agree with the others that sometimes it takes time to…
  • Sorry to hear - must have been such a stressful time for you- glad you are back!! Take care of yourself.
  • I am at the same calories as you 1300 and I am 5'8" and I have a job where I sit all day, and commute. I exercise and eat back the exercise calories, so usually I have about 1500 per day. I only lose about 1lb a week, so I figure it's about right. I find that you have to take what people say with a grain of salt. Everyone…
  • I feel your pain. I think what I have found works for me (and I've always been up and down in weight like you) is to do everything in moderation. Trying to cut out all of something usually backfires, as it leaves you feeling deprived and then you end up going off completely. I never say I can't have something. I have one…
  • sent you a friend request :)
  • great post! I allow myself one day a week where I don't count, usually my weigh in day (Friday) or a weekend day. I don't tend to go overboard, but it gives me a break. I agree with a few posts that you need to be realistic and use moderation in everything you do. I look forward to the things I really wanted to eat that…
  • Thanks for this post guys. A good laugh to start out the day :)
  • I keep it open at work and have the app on my iphone, which has the barcode scanner so you can add anything as the day goes on. If you find it hard to keep logging in, one thing that might help (which I try to do as much as I can) is to log in the morning what you are planning to eat that day. That way you don't have to…
  • I find that I have added friends in the past and then got too many so i couldn't keep track of everyone's posts. I found that a bit overwhelming and I found that I could not keep up with posting and I think I got lost on their wall as well as I stopped getting a comments as well. Life gets busy and if you are not on a lot,…
  • Welcome. One of the best sites and the fact that it's for free is even more amazing. Good luck on your journey. I know you will have success using this site as a guide!!
  • Love, love, love Diet Pepsi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • What I do is have one cheat day a week, and I try to make it Friday because that is my weigh in day. That day, I do not count calories, I can eat what I feel like. I try not to over-do it but it gives me a day to look forward to each week, and I can reward myself for a week of eating really well. Plus, it is the weekend,…
  • Wow, sounds like I wrote your post LOL I get up at 5am (maybe a bit earlier than you but before 7am none-the-less) I work out at about 6-6:30 and do weights as well. I wind down about 11-11:30 most nights (my own fault, I get into bed and want to watch a movie, well I start to, to relax after the day). There are days I…